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Stay, Sir stay Lord, Sir, what need you put your self to that trouble? your Land is in safe hands, Sir; come, come, sit down and let us take a Glass of Wine together, Sir Bel. Gay. Your Servant, Sir. Wou'd I cou'd come to speak to Bellmour, which I dare not do in publick, lest I betray him.

Lawful! it shall be when I've had Livery and Seisin of her Body and that shall be presently Rogue, quick besides, this Bellmour dares as well be hang'd as come into England. Bel. If he gets his Pardon, Sir Sir Feeb. Pardon! no, no, I have took care for that, for I have, you must know, got his Pardon already. Bel. How, Sir! got his Pardon, that's some amends for robbing him of his Wife. Sir Feeb.

Enter Leticia, Bellmour, and Phillis. Sir Feeb. Hah, Ghost another Sight would make me mad indeed. Bel. Behold me, Sir, I have no Terror now. Sir Feeb. Hah who's that, Francis! my Nephew Francis? Bel. Bellmour, or Francis, chuse you which you like, and I am either. Sir Feeb. Hah, Bellmour! and no Ghost? Bel. Bellmour and not your Nephew, Sir. Sir Feeb. But art alive?

Enter Lord Plotwell, and Bellmour. Lord. Do'st thou not wish to know the Joys that are to be found in a Woman, Frank? I well remember at thy Age I fancy'd a thousand fine things of that kind. Bel. Ay, my Lord, a thousand more perhaps than are to be found. Lord.

'Tis fit such as he shou'd be chastis'd, that do abuse Hospitality. Come, come, to Bed; the Lady, Sir, expects you. Bel. Gentlemen, good Night. SCENE II. A Bed Chamber. Enter Diana. Dia. I long to know the Cause of Bellmour's Disorder to Night, and here he comes. Enter Bellmour, Lord, Charles, and the rest. Char. Shan't we see you laid, Brother? Bel.

Omer's, whom I have sent to wait on you in England; he is a very good Accountant, and fit for Business, and much pleased he shall see that Uncle to whom he's so obliged, and which is so gratefully acknowledged by Dear Brother, your affectionate Brother, Francis Fainwou'd. Hum hark ye, Charles, do you know who I am now? Gay. Why, I hope a very honest Friend of mine, Harry Bellmour. Bel.

Celinda's old nurse, at night, admits Bellmour to her mistress' chamber, where they are surprized by Friendlove, her brother, who is, however, favourable to the union, the more so as he is a friend of Bellmour, and they have but newly returned from travelling together in Italy.

Lord Plotwell eventually promises to provide for her, and at Diana's request, now she recognizes her mistake in trying to hold a man who does not love her, Bellmour is forgiven and allowed to wed Celinda as soon as the divorce has been pronounced, whilst Diana herself rewards Friendlove with her hand. Sir Tim.

But I must turn my Eyes from looking on The fatal Triumphs of my Death Which of all these Is my Brother? And hither he's come in Masquerade, I know with some Design against my Bellmour, Whom though he kill me, I must still preserve: Whilst I, lost in despair, thus as a Boy Will seek a Death from any welcome Hand, Since I want Courage to perform the Sacrifice.

When this unequal Marriage Gave me from all my Joys, gave me from Bellmour; Your Wings were flag'd, your Torches bent to Earth, And all your little Bonnets veil'd your Eyes; You saw not, or were deaf and pitiless. Bel. Oh my Leticia! Let. Hah, 'tis there again; that very voice was Bellmour's: Where art thou, Oh thou lovely charming Shade? For sure thou canst not take a Shape to fright me. Bel.

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