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"I daursay you're richt," says Bandy, clawin' his heid. "Weel, the Provost shud juist keep a magic lantern handy, an' gar him bide in't. That wud keep him quiet at the meetin's." "We'll lat ye see a picture o' the whole Toon Cooncil, noo," said Sandy; an' in cam' the picture. "There's been some mair mixin' again," said Sandy, gey kankered like. "That's shurely no' the Toon Cooncil.

"Silver's e'en ower gude for the like o' him," replied Jenny, "that disna care for the blink o' a bonny lassie's ee and what's waur, he wad think there was something mair in't than a kinswoman o' mine. My certy! siller's no sae plenty wi' us, let alane gowd."

"'Must we be kerried to the skies On feathery beds of ease? Though I don' know's I oughter quote a hymn on such a matter; but then I don' know's there's any partic'lar harm in't, neither." Eph sat down on a pile of shavings and chewed a sliver; and the old man kept on at his work. "Hoop-poles goin' up and hoops goin' down," he continued. "Cur'us, ain't it?

"And look'ee, my ben cull, if I was to offer ye all Bartlemy's treasure which I can't, mark me still you'd never gather just what manner o' hook that was. Anan, says you mum, boy, says I. Howbeit, I say, 'tis a good song," quoth he, blinking drowsily at the fire, "here's battle in't, murder and sudden death and wha what more could ye expect of any song aye, and there's women in't too!"

"Shall the World oppress me when thou art in't? * In the lion's presence shall wolves devour? Shall the dry all drink of thy tanks and I * Under rain-cloud thirst for the cooling shower?" "O my lord," cried he, "the like will befal every one who loveth and serveth thee well."

And I, knowing what they had come upon, kept my face turned away. ''Tis she! says Ben in a whisper. "'Aye, and him! says Tressady. 'Faugh! Man, 'tis ill thing but needs must his dagger, Ben, his dagger. "'Here's no dagger, says Ben. 'Here's empty sheath but no steel in't! "''Tis fallen out! says Tressady in a strangled voice.

Here, therefore, "let us breathe," as Shakspeare says, "and happily introduce a course of learning and ingenious studies," in the next chapter. "Smith. The clerk of Chatham: he can write, and read, and cast accompt. Cade. O monstrous! Smith. We took him setting of boys' copies. Cade. Here's a villain! Smith. H'as a book in his pocket with red letters in't. Cade. Nay, then, he's a conjuror. Cade.

George a horseback Or the high Sheriff, shall make the Cuntrey people Fall downe in adoration of thy Crooper And silver stirrup, my right worshipfull. A pox a buckram and the baggage in't! Papers defil'd with Court hand and long dashes, Or Secretarie lines that stradle more Then Frenchmen and lesse wholsome to the Client.

"But the thinkin' o' Sam'l Fletcher's case is ane o' the things 'at maks me awfu' thankfu' for the lenient wy the Lord has aye dealt wi' me; for Sam'l couldna move oot o' the chair, aye sleepin in't at nicht, an' I can come an' gang between mine an' my bed. Mebbe, ye think I'm no much better off than Sam'l, but that's a terrible mistak.

What for should a learned man rise afore his parritch is made? There maun be something sair wrang," said Saunders Mowdiewort. "Muckle ye ken aboot learned men. I suppose, ye think because ye carry up the Bible, that ye ken a' that's in't," returned Meg, with a sneer of her voice that might have turned milk sour.