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And I know Captain Gates will have you with him if he can manage it; he follows you about everywhere. Constance and Mr. Stroud are inseparable, and no one takes any notice of me! 'Oh, Nelly, how you run on! I exclaimed, half laughing, half vexed. 'I dare say I shall not go with you. 'But you must; it will be great fun. Well, good night; I must be going.

Betty was almost as tall and only a little more quick and graceful than her grandaunt. "It is such fun to be just the same age as you and papa," insisted Betty. "We do everything together now." She took on a pretty grown-up air, and looked at Aunt Barbara admiringly. It was only this summer that she had begun to understand how young grown people really are.

"I never planned anything like this before," Van Deventer remarked, "and I never thought I should, but this is much more fun than running a bank." Arthur smiled. "Let's go and have our meeting," he said cheerfully. But the meeting was a gloomy and despairing affair. Nearly every one had watched the sun set upon a strange, wild landscape.

"Do you mean to say that you intend to ignore me...disobey me?" "Oh, Morty, I never promised to obey you. You know the fun we all had at the rehearsal. You haven't noticed, these three years, that I've had my way, in pretty nearly everything, merely because it happened to be your way too. We've been living in a sort of pleasure garden, just playing about, with mother as the good old fairy.

In the streets at evening time, out-and-out young gentlemen have a pleasant custom of walking six or eight abreast, thus driving females and other inoffensive persons into the road, which never fails to afford them the highest satisfaction, especially if there be any immediate danger of their being run over, which enhances the fun of the thing materially.

His exclamation was so genuine and heartfelt that there was a general laugh, and one of the boys suggested that, as little Spinks did not mean to go in for any of the learned professions, they should elect him `Professor of Fun. This was unanimously agreed to. "`But, come, said I, jumping down, `we must not spend all the evening here idling. What shall we do?

She did not dare trust her voice to speak within hearing of the house; but when they had come round the mills again, into the secluded river road, she startled its quietness and the doctor's composure, with a laugh that rang out clear and overflowing like the very soul of fun. "So that's all you've got out of your visit?" "Yes, that is all," said Faith. "But it's a great deal!"

We could hear the cry of the whaup, a mournful, plaintive note; our own voices were the only other sounds that broke the stillness. Then, suddenly, our host bent low and loosed his dogs, after whispering to them, and they were off as silently and as swiftly as ghosts in the heather. We realized then what sort of fun it was we had been promised.

He was not exactly witty, nor was he very humorous, though he gave a light turn to table-talk and enjoyed exceedingly any pleasantry or fun, even. He often made a quaint or slightly caustic remark, but he took care that it should not be too trenchant.

The holy man, whom his flock looked upon as a being of the highest sanctity, when lit up into fun and frolic, Denis learned to estimate at his just value.