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Man, the chappie wi' the nickerbuckers got up in an awfu' pavey, an' misca'ed Sandy for a' the vagues you never heard the like! "Look ye hear, my bit birkie," says Sandy, gien a gey wild-like wink wi' his richt e'e, "you speak when ye're spoken till!

"Suppose I have a little talk with her, Jane; suppose she says she is sorry and never does it again," said Mr. Dolman. "Oh, yes, yes, Uncle William!" said Diana, really terrified for the first time in her life. "Yes, I's sossy I's awfu' sossy, Aunt Jane. It's all wight now, Aunt Jane; Diana's sossy." "You shall be a great deal more sorry before I have done with you," said Mrs.

"Sic a noise I never heard i' my life; and yet I dinna like to gae near him afore I get my claes on; but that's awfu Jock, man, what's the matter wi' ye? Na, no ae word will he speak, but roar and cry as if somebody were stickin him. Jock, man, it's me it's your auld acquaintance, Nelly, but tell me, Jock, hae ye gane clean out o' yer judgment?"

"It's an awfu' peety he didna hear you; but dear knows whar he is the day, maist likely up " Jamie stopped suddenly at the sound of a horse's feet, and there, coming down the avenue of beech trees that made a long vista from the kirk gate, they saw the doctor and Jess. One thought flashed through the minds of the fathers of the commonwealth.

Oh, hear me, hear me!" he exclaimed; as if before entering the hall he had worked himself up to address her; "I am just auld Archy Eagleshay, and as ye ken weel, my leddie, my only son has long gane been awa to sea, and I've been left to struggle on fra ane year to another, till now that I am grown too weak to toil, and the factor, Sandy Redland, comes down upon me, and makes awfu' threats to distrain and turn me out of my sma' holding if I dinna pay; and pay I canna', that is truth, my leddie.

"Well, sir, I am listening," says my uncle. My grandfather took a puff or two in silence; and then, "Ye're makin' an awfu' poor appearance, Aadam," said he. My uncle visibly reared at the affront. "I'm sorry you should think so," said he, "and still more sorry you should say so before present company."

To her joy, on the Dalquharter side of the Garple bridge she observed the figure of a Die-Hard. Breathless, flushed, with her bonnet awry and her umbrella held like a scimitar, she seized on the boy. "Awfu' doin's! They've grippit Maister McCunn up the Mains road just afore the second milestone and forenent the auld bucht. I fund his hat, and a bicycle's lyin' broken in the wud.

Forbye, he was seeck, seeck unto death, and I saw mair in his een than I likit to think. "Come in-by and get some meat, man," I said. "Ye're famishin' wi' cauld and hunger." "I canna eat," he says, and his voice never changed. "It's lang since I had a bite, for I'm no hungry. But I'm awfu' thirsty. I cam here yestreen, and I can get nae water to drink like the water in the hills.

"Well, sir, I am listening," says my uncle. My grandfather took a puff or two in silence: and then, "Ye're makin' an awfu' poor appearance, Aadam," said he. My uncle visibly reared at the affront. "I'm sorry you should think so," said he, "and still more sorry you should say so before present company."

Mysie wasna' the lassie that wad keep her folk in suspense. She wad ken fine that they'd be anxious. Matthew an' Jenny are in an awfu' way." "Ay. I believe they will," he replied, and a deep silence followed. After a time, as the silence seemed to become oppressive, and for the sake of saying something, Mrs. Sinclair said: "What kin o' a meetin' had you the night?"