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She was afraid her tongue was going to betray her and tell the story of the lean year after their mother died when they found out that mother had lived a life of magnificent deception as to the ease of housekeeping on twelve hundred a year. "Yes," said Jeffrey, "but dancing? Why'd you pick out that?" "We couldn't do anything else," said Lydia impatiently.

That evening, after dinner, Morey engaged Wade in a fierce battle of chess, with Fuller as an interested spectator. Arcot, too, was watching, but he was saying nothing. After several minutes of uneventful play, Morey stopped suddenly and glared at the board. "Now why'd I make that move? I intended to move my queen over there to check your king on the red diagonal."

Wherefore she said instead: "Why'd you let him keep his pistol? The ... the slime! And after you actually saved his life, too!" "With some people what's past doesn't count. The other was just a gesture. Psychology. It'll slow him down, I think. Besides, he'd have another one as soon as we get back into the Procyon." "But you can lock up all their guns, can't you?" Bernice asked. "I'm afraid not.

"It's the Liberty wagons from down river," said the campmaster at length. "Missouri movers and settlers from lower Illinois. It's time. We can't lie here much longer waiting for Missouri or Illinois, either. The grass is up." "Well, we'd have to wait for Molly to end her spring term, teaching in Clay School, in Liberty," rejoined his wife, "else why'd we send her there to graduate?

"Then I reckon Mister Barber's a relative," said One-Eye. "Only by marriage," declared Cis. She was certain of that. "But why'd he bother takin' a kid that is no relation?" persisted the Westerner. Cis smiled wisely. "Work," she answered laconically. One-Eye understood. "And who was the rich gent?" he asked. Johnnie could not remember the name.

I was good and sick of 'em, and about ready to quit when they threw me out on that lie about cheating ... say, I knew more'n their knuckle-headed instructors, so why'd I need to cheat?" "Easy, Pal, take it easy." "They just want to use their high and mighty authority," Hanlon ignored Panek's shushing. "They just like to push people around 'cause they got on a pretty uniform."

That's what pop called me. He says Major Garnet means well, only he's a moss-back. Sakes alive! That's worse than fox and goose in one!" Her eyes danced merrily. "Why, that man's still in the siege of Vicksburg, feeding Rosemont and Suez with its mule meat, John." "Miss Fannie, it's my benefactor you're speaking of." "Aw! your grandmother! Look here. Why'd he bring Mr. Ravenel here for Mr.

Holland is expecting you. Go right in." Just before pressing through the door, Nadine put her hand on Joe's arm and looked into his face ruefully. "Darling, you've had so much hard luck in your time, I'm sorry this first assignment for the organization had to be a failure." Joe wet his lips, carefully, "Why'd you think it was?" he said, opening the door.

"Where's Peggy?" were the first words he uttered. "She's gone away," Granger said. Then, seeing her brother's genuine concern, he commenced to explain a little of what had taken place in his absence. He was recounting his discovery of Spurling's flight, when his listener, taking it for granted that he already knew the rest, broke in impatiently, with "You damn fool! Why'd you kill him?"

There was the voice of honesty in what she said, but Nathan remembered his wrongs. "If that's so, why didn't you come t' see 'er?" he said. "If you loved 'er, why'd you let 'er go down to 'er grave a pinin' for you? She looked for you till she was crazy 'most, an' she never got a decent word out of you, nor a decent visit neither. If you loved 'er, what'd you act that way for?"