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As the brig went foaming on towards the ocean, however, the black speck was soon brought out of the range of the orb of day, and Spike's glass was instantly levelled at it. "Just as one might expect, Mr. Mulford," cried the captain, lowering his glass, and looking aloft to see what could be done to help his craft along; "a bloody revenue cutter, as I'm a wicked sinner!

Leverage grunted. "It's his, all right, Carroll. But just the same there ain't no such animal." Carroll turned to the dazed Walters. "Understand what we've just discovered, son?" he inquired mildly. Spike's teeth were chattering with cold. "I don't hardly understand none of it, sir. 'Cording to what I make out, that suit-case belongs to the body and not to the woman." "Right!

Unfortunately, neither Rose, nor her aunt, nor Biddy, nor Jack Tier had seen the barrel of powder, and neither could testify as to the true character of Spike's connection with the schooner. It was manifestly necessary, therefore, independently of the risks that might be run by "bearding the lion in his den," to proceed with great intelligence and caution.

Spike's left arm went up expertly to guard his face from the rush, but came down when he recognized his assailant. Wilbur turned again to Winona. "But where's he?" he asked. "Where's the main squeeze?" Winona looked proudly at Spike Brennon. "I'm him," said Spike. "He's him," said Winona, and laid an arm protectingly across his shoulder. "You wild little son of a gun!"

Occasionally, after these encounters, Jimmy would come upon Sir Thomas Blunt's valet, the other man in whom Spike's trained eye had discerned the distinguishing marks of the sleuth. He was usually somewhere round the corner at these moments, and, when collided with, apologized with great politeness. Jimmy decided that he must have come under suspicion in this case vicariously, through Spike.

"First of all," said Young R., selecting a cigar, "let me introduce you to er my friend, Spike!" Hereupon Mr. Brimberly rolled his eyes in Spike's direction, glanced him over, touched either whisker, and bowed and lo! those fleecy whiskers were now eloquent of pompous dignity, beholding which Spike shuffled his feet, averted his eyes, and twisted his cap into a very tight ball indeed.

Spike in the servants' hall would, of course, stand out conspicuously enough to catch the eye of a detective on the look out for sin among the servants; and he himself, as Spike's employer, had been marked down as a possible confederate. It tickled him to think that both these giant brains should be so greatly exercised on his account. He had been watching Molly closely during these days.

Spike's voice choked upon a sob, he buried his face in the pillow, and so there fell a silence a strange, tense hush, a pause so unexpected that he looked up and saw that Hermione's head was bowed no longer, but she stood, very proud and tall, gazing upon her husband, and in her eyes was a great and wondrous light; and as she looked on him so he gazed on her.

Winona pecked at her father's marbled cheeks, then led him to the chair. "Father, this is my husband." "How do you do, sir?" began the judge, heavily. Spike's left forearm shielded his face, while his right hand went to meet the judge's. "It's all right, Spike. No one else is going to kiss you." "Spike?" queried the judge, uncertainly. "It's a sort of nickname for him," explained Winona.

We cannot say that Spike's hard, red, selfish countenance betrayed any great feeling, though such was not the case with Jack Tier's. The last, a lymphatic, puffy sort of a person at the best, seemed really a little touched, and he either actually brushed a tear from his eye, or he affected so to do.