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Spike's only token of departure was a small bundle covered with that day's Advance. They waited in silence until the dingy way train rattled in. Then Sharon Whipple appeared from the freight room of the station.

Penniman bent over to kiss him. Spike's left went up accurately. "He's so nervous," explained Winona, "ever since that French general sneaked up and kissed him on both cheeks when he pinned that medal on him." "Mercy!" exclaimed Mrs. Penniman. "For distinguished service beyond the line of duty," added the young wife, casually. "I was so happy when I got your wire," sputtered her mother.

As soon, therefore, as these three apertures, or their coamings, could be raised above the level of the water of the basin, all danger of the vessel's receiving any further tribute of that sort from the ocean would be over. It was to this end, consequently, that Spike's efforts had been latterly directed, though they had only in part succeeded.

He seized a musket, and raised it to his shoulder, nay, was in the act of taking aim at his mate, when Rose, who watched his movements, threw herself before Harry, and if she did not actually save his life, at least prevented Spike's attempt on it for that occasion.

'Instead iv chroniclin' th' ruffyanism iv these misguided wretches that weigh in at th' ringside at 125 poun's, an' I see in a pa-aper I r-read in a barber shop th' other day that Spike's gone away back what's that I'm sayin'? Niver mind. D'ye go down to th' home iv th' Rivrind Aloysius Augustus Morninbinch an'interview him on th' question iv man's co-operation with grace in conversion.

Poor lad!" she sighed, touching Spike's drooping head with bony fingers, "if she wasn't his sister, I'd be sorry for him!" So Ravenslee took Spike in hand, bathing his bruised and battered features and setting ice water to his puffy lips, which the lad gulped thirstily. Thereafter he revived quickly but grew only the more morose and sulky.

"Then, just listen to me for a moment, my bright boy. When we're at breakfast to-morrow, you want to go to that room and put those things back all of them, mind you just where you found them. Do you understand?" Spike's jaw had fallen. "Put dem back, boss!" he faltered. "Every single one of them." "Boss!" said Spike, plaintively. "Remember. Every single one of them, just where it belongs. See?"

Of course it was impossible that the accommodation carried a fare for him; but then duty was duty, and Spike took exceeding pride in the company for which he worked. The company's slogan of service was part of Spike's creed. He opened the door, recoiled for a second as the gale swept angrily against him, then plunged blindly across the street.

"It's all very, very wonderful, Ann, dear! But then everything is so wonderful just lately!" "Meanin' what, Hermy?" Hermione was darning one of Spike's much-mended socks, while Mrs. Trapes sat drinking tea. "Meanin' jest what is wonderful, my dear, and since when?" she persisted. "Oh everything, Ann!" "Yes, you said everything before. S'pose you tell me jest the one thing as you find so wonderful?

Scarcely had the sound of Spike's departure died away than a door opened and closed hard by, and heavy steps approached, halted suddenly, and a hoarse voice demanded: "Who's there?" "Why, this is me, Bud." "What th' hell are ye hangin' around out here for?" questioned M'Ginnis suspiciously. "Countin' th' stars, Bud, an' doin' th' Providence act midst of life we are in death' gag "