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One afternoon a little girl, who had eagerly wished to go, turned back from the Sunday-school door, crying bitterly because they had told her that there was no more room. But a tall, black-haired man met her and noticed her tears and, stopping, asked why it was that she was crying, and she sobbingly replied that it was because they could not let her into the Sunday-school.

The tears only fell the faster, relieving her swelling heart, as she looked up at the heavenly face, and, putting her hand to her necklace, said sobbingly "I can't give them to be burnt. My husband he bought them for me and they are so pretty and Ninna oh, I wish I'd never come!" "Do not ask her for them," said Romola, speaking to the white-robed boys in a tone of mild authority.

The ship had vanished! Thelma needed no explanation, she knew her father's creed she understood all. Breaking loose from Valdemar's grasp, she rushed a few steps forward with arms outstretched on the bitter, snowy air. "Father! father!" she cried aloud and sobbingly. "Wait for me! it is I Thelma! I am coming Father!"

"Good God! The the car's on fire!" he mumbled. "Yes, sir," said the White Linen Nurse. "Why! Didn't you know it, sir?" Headlong the Senior Surgeon pitched over on the grass, his last vestige of self-control stripped from him, horror unspeakable racking him sobbingly from head to toe.

Spruce, who was quite stupefied by the sudden crash of misfortune that had fallen upon the household, that she meant to try and do her best to keep everything going on just as Maryllia would wish it kept, "till till she gets better," she faltered sobbingly "and you will help me, dear Mrs. Spruce, won't you?" Whereupon Mrs.

For answer, through the din of the elements, a voice called brokenly, sobbingly: "Ootah! . . . Ootah!" Ootah leaped to his feet. Out of the snow-driven blackness a frail figure staggered toward him. "Annadoah," Ootah murmured, seizing the trembling woman in his arms. She seemed about to faint. "Why hast thou come hither?" He hugged her fiercely to his bosom.

"Sing it again," entreated Bennet, huskily.... "Sing it again, will ye?" Tess scarcely heard the words they were so low, so sobbingly spoken. She cleared the tears from her voice, and "Rescue the Perishin'," and "Jesus is kind," echoed once more through the long room. From here and there, suppressed weeping came to the girl's ear; but she did not turn to look at the weepers.

She saw him reach Jeanie and kneel down beside her. There was no hesitation about him. He was evidently deeply concerned. He slipped a persuasive arm about the child's huddled form. When Avery reached them, Jeanie's head in its blue woollen cap was pillowed against him and she was telling him sobbingly of her trouble. "I I caught my foot. I don't know how I did it.

She listened to the echo of his firm footsteps dying away, and creeping guiltily to a side-door she opened it, and watched yearningly his retreating figure till it had disappeared. "Why did I never love him till now?" she murmured sobbingly. "Now, when he despises me when he will not even kiss me?

A low, mourning wind swept through the spruce tops, and from Jan's throat there burst sobbingly words which he had heard beside this same grave more than seventeen years before, when Williams' choking voice had risen in a last prayer for the woman. "May the great God care for Melisse!"