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When she, however, now heard Pao-yue urge: "don't let us allow others to know anything about our having had a quarrel, as it will look as if we had become thorough strangers," it once more became evident to her, from this single remark, that she was really dearer and nearer to him than any of the other girls, so she could not refrain from saying sobbingly: "You needn't have come to chaff me!

Obedient to her wish, his fingers wandered over the organ-keys in a strain of solemn, weird, yet tender melancholy the grand, rich notes pealed forth sobbingly and she listened, her hands clasped idly in her lap.

"May I take her, papa?" she asked sobbingly, and with an entreating look up into his face. "I won't hurt her, I wouldn't for all the world!" "You may take her," he said, his tones a trifle tremulous: "I am quite sure you would never hurt her intentionally." Lulu gladly availed herself of the permission, took the baby in her arms, and sat down with it on her lap.

She did not cry out because she knew Alston Choate was in the next room, but she spoke sobbingly: "He did take it out of my bag. You have planned it between you to get it back into your hands." Madame Beattie laughed pleasantly and went upstairs. And Esther crossed the little hall and stood in the dining-room door looking at Alston Choate.

"Darling," she murmured, half sobbingly, as the moonlight drifted through the open window, glorifying her sweet, upturned face, "I know I done wrong. I will never touch ice cream again. I forgot you were not a millionaire. I used to go there every day. But to-day I felt some strange, sad presentiment of evil, and I was not myself. I ate only eleven saucers."

"May God guide us all as He guides the sea-bird, and as He has guided you," said Tessa sobbingly, as she pressed her lips to his cheek. Morrison took her hand and held it tightly, "God help and bless ye, lassie. May ye and Harvey never see the shadow of a sorrow in your lives.

And just as soon as it was over he turned from the altar and said, 'Now we'll begin to lead a cat and dog life. And, oh, it was so awful," she continued, sobbingly, the terror of the dream still holding her, "he he barked at me! And he showed his teeth, and I had to spit and mew and hump my back whether I wanted to or not." Her voice grew higher and more excited with every sentence.

"Oh, sister!" she said, half sobbingly again. "There, don't cry, sister's own precious," Maria said, kissing the little, glowing face on her shoulder. She realized all at once how hard the separation had been from her sister. "Are you glad to have me home?" she asked. For answer Evelyn only clung the closer. There was a strange passion in the look of her big eyes as she glanced up at her sister.

Her words poured out sobbingly: "Why, why am I not enough for you? You are enough for me!" He was silent. "And ... and ... and we haven't a baby," she said in a whisper, and dropped her face on his knee. He tried to lift her, but his soul was sinking within him; dropping down down from the awful heights. Yet still he caught at Truth! "Dear, don't!

He seemed quite like a little boy when he put out his hand to hers and spoke sobbingly: "She she says that because you have only just come from America and in America people can do things you will think you can do things here and you don't know. He will tell lies about you lies you can't bear. She sat wringing her hands when she thought of it.