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And it really seemed as if they had climbed a very long way, when from above came faintly and softly the sound of a plaintive "mew." "Mew, mew," it said again, whoever the "it" was, and then stopped. The children looked at each other. "Cats!" they said at the same instant. "It's just as well," said Hugh, "that none of the animals did come with us, as so many of them are birds."

But strange to hear my Lord Lauderdale say himself that he had rather hear a cat mew, than the best musique in the world; and the better the musique, the more sicke it makes him; and that of all instruments, he hates the lute most, and next to that, the baggpipe.

"No, I will not believe that," I answered indignantly. "I am sure he is honest. He is an Englishman and a sailor, there is no mistaking that; and he did not look or speak like a rogue. Let us hope for the best." Just as I made this observation, we heard what sounded like the mew of a kitten, just under the window. We instantly jumped up, and I let down our line. I felt it gently tugged.

"Ay, ay, sir!" said the look-out, in a startled voice. "Did you mew?" inquired the skipper. "Did I WOT, sir?" cried the astonished Bob. "Mew," said the skipper sharply, "like a cat?" "No, sir," said the offended seaman. "What 'ud I want to do that for?" "I don't know what you want to for," said the skipper, looking round him uneasily. "There's some more rain coming, Bob." "Ay, ay, sir," said Bob.

'Mercy! thought the Cat. 'I could do a little singing with a living lover, but I never heard of singing for a dead one. But you see, bird, it isn't Cats' nature. When I am cross, I mew. When I am pleased, I purr; but I must be pleased first. I can't purr myself into happiness. 'I am afraid there is something the matter with your heart, my Cat. It wants warming; good-bye.

"Is that you, Nikolai?" exclaimed Silla, in surprise. "Have you seen anything of Kristofa and Kalla? I did so want to speak to them! Haven't you? Do you know how I got out? I was only going to get the cat in for the night. I chased it out myself, and hid it so nicely under the wooden tub out in the shed. If only it doesn't mew."

The cat standing on the steps put up its back and cried "mew." But Rudy had no inclination for this sort of conversation; he passed on, and knocked at the door. No one heard him, no one opened the door. "Mew," said the cat again; and had Rudy been still a child, he would have understood this language, and known that the cat wished to tell him there was no one at home.

The room, for all its darkness, was full of shadows. It seemed in my whirling thoughts as though all the real things had become shadows shadows which moved, for they passed the dim outline of the high windows. Shadows which had sentience. I even thought there was sound, a faint sound as of the mew of a cat the rustle of drapery and a metallic clink as of metal faintly touching metal.

That cow would stand at the gate and mew I mean moo to come in. And so would the cats. No; I see quite well what we've got to do. We must put them in baskets and leave them on people's doorsteps, like orphan foundlings. 'We've got three baskets, counting mother's work one, said Jane brightening.

Coleman was the first to be brought to trial, at the beginning of December, for he came back and gave himself up the day after he had at first fled. He was already pre-judged; for so violent was the feeling against the Papists that my Lord Lucas said in the House of Lords that if he could have his way, he "would not have even a Popish cat to mew and purr about the King."