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To any one by the roadside the danger of a smash-up seems to come and pass in an instant, not so to the person driving the machine; to him the danger is perceptible a very appreciable length of time before the critical point is reached. The secret of good driving lies in this early and complete appreciation of difficulties and dangers encountered.

I suppose the loads were not as heavy as they looked, but the boys were having a hard time of it, to judge from their distressed faces peering anxiously from underneath the rafts which, at each step, rocked to and fro and seemed always on the point of toppling. Frantic clutches of small brown hands and the quick shifting of feet alone saved a smash-up.

If in response to my suggestion Jack Medford had promptly said, "All right," we would have jumped on that flat car, and then would have been caught in the smash-up. But he took a mere fraction of time to look and think, and that brief delay was, perhaps, our temporal salvation. We arrived at Bolivar during the afternoon of the 24th and re-occupied our old camp.

As Tom finished a large farm wagon rattled into sight, drawn by a pair of bony horses and driven by a tall, lank farmer. "Hullo, wot's the matter?" asked the farmer, as he drew rein. "Had a breakdown?" "No, I've had a smash-up," answered Tom. "My brother's ankle is sprained, and we would like to know if you can give him a lift to the next town," put in Dick. "We'll pay you for your trouble."

When the boys arrived at Ithaca they found there had been a freight smash-up on the railroad, and that they would have to wait for five or six hours for a train to take them home. This would bring them to Oak Run, their railroad station, at three o'clock in the morning. "I move we stay in Ithaca over night," said Tom. "If we got to Oak Run at three in the morning, what would we do?

"You were in the carryall smash-up, Jack," answered Pepper. "You got a bad one on the head." "Oh, yes, I remember now." Jack sat up and placed his hand to his forehead. "Bloody, eh? Say, that was a crack, all right!" "It's lucky you weren't killed," said Andy. "Better take it easy for a while," advised Dale. "Maybe we had better get a doctor."

How's old Toad going on? 'Oh, from bad to worse, said the Rat gravely, while the Mole, cocked up on a settle and basking in the firelight, his heels higher than his head, tried to look properly mournful. 'Another smash-up only last week, and a bad one. You see, he will insist on driving himself, and he's hopelessly incapable.

"Glad to make your acquaintance, Mr Cavendish, and to have picked you up. My name is Urquhart `chief' of the Bolivia. By the way, since we got your S.O.S. and learned particulars of the smash-up, we've all been wondering how the mischief you managed to pile up your ship on a berg, after our warning of this afternoon. Was it thick at the time, or how was it?" "Your warning!" exclaimed Dick.

Fair as eagerly as if he had been gone three days. The train stood so long that he went forward to ask what the delay signified and saw the four commercial travelers walking away with their hand-bags. The porter was busy about the door. "Big smash-up of freight-cyars in de yard; yass, seh.

"Move your desk across the tent for the present, anyhow," said he, "and I'll speak to the doctor myself. With all this newspaper hullabaloo about our neglect of the sick," continued he, turning to his friends, "if a man changes color at sight of a smash-up he must be turned over to the Red Cross at once.