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"We shall have to postpone the practice as I'm so late, Davilof," she said. "I had a smash-up in the fog. My car ran into a bus " "And you are hurt?" Davilof broke in sharply, his voice edged with fear. "No, no. I was stunned for a minute and then afterwards I fainted, but I'm quite intact otherwise." "You are sure sure?" "Quite."

The answer is: No boys!" This verdict brought forth the expected chorus of groans from the young men. "Indeed, you may be glad to get a fellow when you find yourselves in a good and proper smashup," declared Jack, "and I predict a smash-up about every other mile."

The result was a general smash-up of the entire Confederate line, the retreat quickly degenerating into a rout the like of which was never before seen. For twenty-six miles this wild stampede kept up, with our troopers close at the enemy's heels; and the ludicrous incidents of the chase never ceased to be amusing topics around the camp-fires of Merritt and Custer.

The sense of the whole thing is that you get to Greece quickly, taking with you immense sums of money and enormous powers over nations." " Well, when does the row begin? " The most astute journalists in Europe have been predicting a general European smash-up every year since 1878," said Walkley, " and the prophets weep.

If he had wanted specially to land us into a good smash-up, he could scarcely have done it better. A good thing we got caught on the paddle; otherwise we should have been cut clean in two. As it was, the other boat recoiled and fell away." "Was she damaged?" "Probably not." "How does the man at the wheel explain his action?" "Well, that's the curious part. I was just coming to that.

"I'm glad we weren't closer to that smash-up!" Having plowed through the biplane, the express train had come to a halt with the last car standing not a great distance beyond the scene of the collision. Already the trainmen were hurrying out, some with lanterns, to learn if anybody had been killed or hurt. "Why, it's an airship!" cried the conductor. "How in the name of Adam did that get here?"

Then he said: "You feazed me a little at first; but I think I know now what has happened." Caleb took time to let the remark sink in. It carried inferences. "Buddy, I been suspectin' for a good while back that you know more about this sudden smash-up than you've let on. Do you?" "I know all about it," was the quiet rejoinder. "You do? What on top o' God's green earth "

The blankets were rolled up and put in their rubber cases, all bags of supplies were securely tied and stowed away, in short, every article was placed in the cabins and the hatches firmly buttoned in place, with the canvas cover drawn snugly over the deck. Only a grand smash-up could injure these things.

There are men on that Commission who would steal the brakes off a mountain railway just before they went down in it.... It's a struggle with suicidal imbeciles. It's ! But I'm talking! I didn't come here to talk Fuel." "You think there may be a smash-up?" "I lie awake at night, thinking of it." "A social smash-up." "Economic. Social. Yes. Don't you?"

Just as they were starting from the yard, Charley Mason, a boy who lived farther up the street, on the hill, came running along. "Oh, you ought to see it!" he cried, his eyes big with wonder. "See what?" asked Bert. "Smash-up on the railroad, down in the rocky cut!" answered Charlie. "Two engines smashed together, and the cars are all busted! I saw it from the top of the hill! I'm going down!