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I can conceive the smash-up of the British Empire, but I cannot conceive Manchester defaulting in its interest payments. Can you?" And he looked round and paused for a reply, and no reply came. Nobody dared to boast himself capable of conceiving Manchester's default. Towards the end of the arduous day Mr.

But because they were honest, they could not help observing that the other table did not seem to be paying the slightest attention to the distinguished impersonator of Red-handed Dick. Perhaps he had been overheard. "Then that was the reason ye didn't come back to your location. I always guessed it was because you'd got wind of the smash-up down there, afore we did," said Hopkins grimly.

How we ever escaped a smash-up after we got into the city I can't tell to this day, for Jim never once slackened speed. He sat there with jaws set, pumping gas and still more gas into the little car. Thrice I saw death loom up ahead of us, as vehicles approached from side-streets, but with a swerve and a sickening skid, we missed them somehow.

"What smash-up?" asked Jim, with slightly resentful quickness. "Why, the smash-up of the Sisters' title, didn't you hear that?" There was a slight movement of relief and a return of gloomy hauteur in Jim's manner. "No, we don't know much of what goes on in the cow counties, up here." "Ye mout, considerin' it concerns some o' your friends," returned Hopkins dryly.

"I fancy something else must have happened beside the railway accident," observed Joan wisely. "Something interesting enough to have outweighed the shock of the smash-up. She's in quite absurdly good spirits for some unknown reason." The Rector chuckled. "Perhaps a gallant rescuer was added to the experience, eh?" he said.

There would be a horrible smash-up, and probably a separation from Margaret; then they would all start again, more as they had been in his mother's time. "I think I'll go round to the police-station," said his father when breakfast was over. "What for?" cried Dolly, who had still not been "told." "Very well, sir. Which car will you have?" "I think I'll walk."

"When you have a freight smash-up right in the middle of the section," he said, "with nobody to help you inside of forty miles, and the express due to come bouncing down on you inside of two hours, you've just got to get things out of the way whether you've got anything to do it with or not.

The thirteenth, in which he did not drive, was notable for an appalling smash-up of five chariots, in which three jockeys were killed and eight horses killed outright or so badly injured that the clearing- crew had to put them out of their agonies. The fourteenth race would have been spoiled by an even worse massacre had it not been for the superlative skill of Palus and his amazing luck.

But, only a couple of years ago, when I was starting for the Baltic, and in high favour with the ministry, those miserable time-servers in there gave a public dinner in my honour in that very club; and now, by George! because things did not go all right, and I wasn't able to smash-up the Russian fleet as everybody expected I would do, and so I would have done, too, by George! if I'd been allowed my own way, the mean-spirited parasites almost cut me to a man to a man, by George!"

The mining engineers, of course, did not share this delusion. "There must be something serious the matter, or they would not be wasting power like that," murmured the American to one of his fellow-professionals. "A smash-up in the engine-room. Nada es mas seguro," was the answer. "Wonder if any one is hurt?" The Spaniard bent a little nearer. "What can you expect?" he whispered sympathetically.