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"Then tell him to go back again," said Master Ben Jonson; "we've sucked the sweet from Stratford town be off with his seedy dregs!" "Go bring him in," said the quiet man. "Nay, Will, don't have him in. This makes the third within the month wilt father all the strays from Stratford town? Here, Ned, give him this shilling, and tell him to be off to his cony-burrow as fast as his legs can trot."

Buck you up. Well, how are you? The last time I was here, some old buffer told me you'd been seedy, but that was right away back in the summer. What was the matter?" "I was only a bit run down," Eric answered. "What did you think of the play?" Manders gave his bill to a waiter and planted his elbows on the table, pressing his finger-tips together. "Well, I read it very carefully," he began.

Hardly had we finished this, our first and finest feast, in celebration of our glorious independence, when our late guide of fish-market fame, he of the seedy red coat and faded yellow facings, appeared on the piazza, saluted us with that vacant chuckle and grin wherefrom no inference could be drawn, and delivered his Majesty's order that I should now come to the school.

"Nope," he said curtly, fixing his eyes again on his book. A movement on the part of the visitor attracted his attention. The seedy man was making for the door of the inner room. Pugsy instantly ceased to be the student and became the man of action. He sprang from his seat and wriggled in between the man and the door. "Youse can't butt in dere," he said authoritatively. "Chase yerself."

Yes, and I'll lift my head up and be a man." Gordon sent out to the bank and got the money for him. Another seedy one softly explained to him that he was a fellow countryman from Indiana. Gordon gave him a quarter. A sobbing woman closely veiled he recognised as a bride he had married in the church after prayer meeting two weeks before.

The silence that followed was filled with insistent, mysterious urgency. Craven did not come that night to Hall. Galleon had asked him and Olva to breakfast-the next morning. He did not appear. About two o'clock in the afternoon a note was sent round to Olva's rooms. "I've been rather seedy. Just out for a long walk do you mind my taking Bunker? Send word round to my rooms if you mind.

Viticulture was not paying well at this time in California, and Archie's father, in cutting down expenses all around, chose to begin with Archie, who had not done anything to assist the family fortunes. Archie took it good-naturedly and kept usually cheerful, though seedy and often hungry.

What I was agoing to say is, that it's my opinion that fellow Seedy Hassan ain't all fair an' above board." Ted glanced keenly at his companion, for he had made the remark as a sort of feeler. "W'at de matter wid um?" asked Rais carelessly. "Oh, nothin' I only thought you might know somethin' about him. I doesn't, only I'm a dab at what's called in Ireland fizzyognomy, an?

I began to feel pretty seedy, and left my place to get to the fresh air, when that doctor Sir Henry Durwood jumped up and grabbed me. I tried to push him off, but he was too strong for me, and I found myself going. The next thing I knew was that I was lying in my bedroom, and hearing somebody talk. After you had left the room I determined to leave the hotel as quickly as possible.

"The best exercise I ever had in my life," said Raffles; "and you would never live to guess what it is. It's one of the reasons why I went in for this seedy kit. I follow cabs. Yes, Bunny, I turn out about dusk and meet the expresses at Euston or King's Cross; that is, of course, I loaf outside and pick my cab, and often run my three or four miles for a bob or less.