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"I guess I must be kind of dull," Stark said, perplexedly. "Don't you see? I've got to give him up I'm a squaw." "Squaw hell! With those shoulders?" Stark checked himself, for he found he was rejoicing in his enemy's defeat, and was in danger of betraying himself to the girl.

The few friendly Indians outside stared perplexedly at the mysterious white strangers. The whites, laughing excitedly, began to wave to the Indians. Their leave-taking was premature. Estelle took her way down into the cellar. Arthur was awaiting her arrival. Van Deventer stood near, with the grinning, grimy members of Arthur's volunteer work gang.

On the third or fourth bar, Dalla woke and sat up, waking Zinganna, and blinked at him perplexedly. "What time is it?" she asked. "About 1245," he told her. "Ohhh! We just got to sleep," she said. "We're both bushed!" "You had a hard time. Feel all right after your narco-hyp, Zinganna?" "It wasn't so bad, and I had a nice sleep. And Dalla ... Dr. Hadron, I mean " "Dalla," Vall's wife corrected.

The seeds he sowed and he must have sown many pounds' worth before she stopped the wild expense never sprouted by any chance. "Dormant, my dear Laura dormant!" he would exclaim in springtime, rubbing his head perplexedly as he studied the empty borders.

What is it?" "I don't know...I don't like's not what I expected, and I think it's all too dreadfully dreary!" The words broke from her in a long wail of rebellion. Marvell gazed at her perplexedly. It seemed strange that such unguessed thoughts should have been stirring in the heart pressed to his. "It's less interesting than you expected or less amusing? Is that it?"

"Will what?" frowned the Senior Surgeon. Abruptly the White Linen Nurse stopped clapping her hands and began to wring them nervously in her lap instead. "Why will will!" she confessed demurely. "Oh!" jumped the Senior Surgeon. "Oh!" Then equally jerkily he began to pucker his eyebrows. "But for Heaven's sake what's the 'crocheted in the trees' got to do with it?" he asked perplexedly.

"I'll bet you," she said, rising "I'll bet you he goes to church with her this morning. What you want to bet?" "Go back to bed," he commanded. "I KNOW what I'm talkin' about; there's nothin' in it, I tell you." She shook her head perplexedly. "You think because because Jim was runnin' so much with her it wouldn't look right?" "No. Nothin' to do with it."

The response was so low as to be almost inaudible. Caldew, who was the only person in the room with the deeper knowledge to divine the drift of these questions, realized with something of a shock that Merrington, with fewer facts to guide him, had reached his absolute conclusion about the events of the last half-hour while he had wandered perplexedly in a cloud of suspicions.

Lydia Herbert looked at her perplexedly. "You talk so very strangely!" she said. Morgana smiled. "Yes, I know I do!" she admitted "I am what old Scotswomen call 'fey'! You know I was born away in the Hebrides, my father was a poor herder of sheep at one time before he came over to the States.

He stood in the doorway, looking long and perplexedly towards Hazlan; he finally saw, he thought, just what the lad's trouble was. He could give him some comfort, and he got his chair and dragged it out to the door across the platform, and sat down in silence. "Isom," he said at last, "the Spent air shorely a-workin' ye, 'n' I'm glad of it.