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Well, I guess I'll jog down to the Corner this evening and order that barrel of pastry flour you want." "Oh, you needn't," said Mrs. Knox indifferently. "We won't be needing it now." "Not needing it! But I thought you said you had to have some to bake for the social week after next." "There isn't going to be any social." "Not any social?" Elder Knox stared perplexedly at his wife.

If I hadn't bought them they would have gone to some other collector. Do you get a glimmer of the truth now?" "The truth?" perplexedly. "Yes where Cunningham will get his pearls?" bitterly. "Oh!" "And I could not touch him. A quarter of a million! And with his knowledge of the secret marts he could easily dispose of them. Worth a bold stroke, eh?"

With this succinct narrative concerning the girl who sat mute and motionless in the chair with her eyes fast on the wall, Cassidy relapsed into silence, during which he stared rather perplexedly at his chief, who seemed to be in the throes of unusual emotion. As the detective expressed it in his own vernacular: For the first time in his experience, the Inspector appeared to be actually "rattled."

Unrelentingly little Eve Edgarton's horse kept right on forcing him back back back. "But if you're not one of Father's clever friends who are you?" she demanded perplexedly. "And why did you insist so on riding with me this afternoon?" she cried accusingly. "I didn't exactly insist," grinned Barton with a flush of guilt.

Her uncle sat back in his chair, his face still wrinkled perplexedly; then the wrinkles vanished suddenly, chased away by a huge glow, and he rose wrathfully and towered over the match-making Mr. Negget. "How dare you?" he gasped. Mr. Negget made no reply, but in a cowardly fashion jerked his thumb toward his wife. "Oh! George! How can you say so?" said the latter.

"Nonsense." "It is very far from nonsense." Miller's earnestness impressed Whitney. "I do not for one moment believe that Spencer was working alone." "You hint at conspiracy?" Whitney frowned perplexedly. "Call it that if you wish; only, sir, take every precaution to safeguard your inventions from prying eyes." "I have, already." "How, for instance?"

She had withdrawn her hand from his and was drumming with her finger-tips upon the mantelshelf. A little pucker was between her eyebrows, she was biting her under lip perplexedly, and appeared to be hesitating. But of a sudden she twitched round her head sharply and a sweep of red went up over her face. "Shall I show you how much I do respect you, then?" she said.

It missed the prostrate dog, missed him with all four wheels; though the rear axle's housing smeared his snowy ruff with a blur of black grease. On went the machine for another ten feet, before it could halt. Then a chalk-faced delivery boy peered backward in fright, to see Lad getting painfully to his feet and holding perplexedly aloft his tiny right forepaw in token of the dislocated shoulder.

Her uncle sat back in his chair, his face still wrinkled perplexedly; then the wrinkles vanished suddenly, chased away by a huge glow, and he rose wrathfully and towered over the match-making Mr. Negget. "How dare you?" he gasped. Mr. Negget made no reply, but in a cowardly fashion jerked his thumb toward his wife. "Oh! George! How can you say so?" said the latter.

It was getting perilously near a quarter to four now and still Steve had not returned. Tom watched the long hand crawl toward the figure IX, saw it reach it and pass. He would, he decided then, give Steve another five minutes. His gaze fell on "Four-Fingered Phillips" and he viewed that gentleman perplexedly. He didn't look in the least like a confidence-man.