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So he must have been 'specially tall. Don't you remember?" she asked again, looking perplexedly at our blank faces. There are so many bonds of understanding between American children of the present time and their grown-up relatives and friends.

Sowerby and Stringer looked at one another, perplexedly. Each man finished his drink in silence. Then: "What took place in Paris?" began Sowerby. There was an interruption.

"If you would only follow them up with more," said Mr. King meditatively; "when it comes to tears, she must march, you know." "I won't cry," said Polly, swallowing the lump in her throat, "if you will only let her stay." She turned to him such a distressed and white face that Mr. King stood perplexedly looking down at her, having nothing to say.

His face painted red and white was made up into an idiot grin. He opened his mouth at the audience, who applauded mildly. Lady Auriol still sat in her bemused attitude of suspense. I watched her perplexedly for a second or two, and then I saw she had not recognized him. I said: "That's Lackaday." She gasped.

Boyd watched them perplexedly as they went out, the tall young man with his uneven step, and Edith, who had changed so greatly in the last few weeks, and blew hot one minute and cold the next. Now that she had seen Willy Cameron, Mrs. Boyd wanted him to come. He would bring new life into the little house. He was cheerful. He was not glum like Dan or discontented like Edie.

When next he heard his wife’s footsteps overhead he knew, as well as if he had seen her doing it, that she had been putting on her walking shoes. Mr Verloc wriggled his shoulders slightly at this ominous symptom, and moving away from the table, stood with his back to the fireplace, his head on one side, and gnawing perplexedly at the tips of his fingers.

They left me behind." Looking perplexedly at the disorder in the room, the mother whispered sadly: "They will take you, too, be sure they will. Why did Nikolay speak to them the way he did?" "He got frightened, I suppose," said Pavel quietly. "Yes It's impossible to speak to them, absolutely impossible! They cannot understand!"

"You don't know anything!" Fatuously the Younger Man rose to his feet, still struggling for speech any old speech a sentence, a word, a cough, anything, in fact, that would make a noise. "Well, if little Miss Edgarton is little Miss Edgarton," he babbled idiotically, "who in creation are you?" "Who am I?" stammered the Older Man perplexedly.

Dick had no answer for this, and looked perplexedly at Tom, who was lost in admiration of a neighboring group engaged in athletic exercises. He felt rather than heard the question put by the Mentor, and observing Dick's discomfiture, stammered: "It didn't kill your mother when you went for a soldier, I guess."

"I don't believe it's right to talk of God as if you were well acquainted with Him," said Felicity, who felt that it was a good chance to snub Dan. "There's something wrong somewhere," said Cecily perplexedly. "We ought to pray for what we want, of that I'm sure and Peter wanted to be the only one who could pass the Ordeal. It seems as if he must be right and yet it doesn't seem so.