Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: September 29, 2024
'Of course I love anything that savours of Paris, but it's become so fashionable. There will be heaps of people who know me. I suppose you've forgotten it's the height of the season. I know a quiet little place in the High Street. She led him, unresisting but bemused, towards the gate, and into a confectioner's. Conversation languished on the way.
"Yes, you can't expect a man to sit in the house for ever," said the prodigal, stumbling in to his brother's favourite sitting-room, where everything was tidy and comfortable for the brief leisure of the hard-working man. The man who did no work threw himself heavily into the doctor's easy-chair, and rolled his bemused eyes round upon his brother's household gods.
Under his feet dark blue the blue of a Terran sky at dusk caught up in it twinkling points of light as if he strode, not equal with stars, but above them! Walls were there any walls here? Or shifting, swaying blue curtains on which silvery lines ran to form symbols and words which some bemused part of his brain almost understood, but not quite.
"Of course I love anything that savours of Paris, but it's become so fashionable. There will be heaps of people who know me. I suppose you've forgotten it's the height of the season. I know a quiet little place in the High Street." She led him, unresisting but bemused, towards the gate, and into a confectioner's. Conversation languished on the way.
Their famous killings have always been made among the silliest sort of women the sort, in brief, who fall so short of the normal acumen of their sex that they are bemused by mere beauty in men. Such women are in a minority, and so the sex shows a good deal fewer religious enthusiasts per mille than the sex of sentiment and belief. Attending, several years ago, the gladiatorial shows of the Rev.
There will be no lack of victims once the plot is disclosed; and they may begin upon that coxcomb Caryll the damned meddler who is at the bottom of all this garboil." She sat bemused, her eyes upon the sunlit gardens below, where a faint breeze was stirring the shrub tops. "There is," she said presently, "a secret drawer somewhere in his desk. If he has papers they will, no doubt, be there.
At first Mistress Randall thought she was praying, but by and by came to the conviction that most of the time "the wench was bemused."
Or the customer's eyes would follow the agile movements of a compositor, picking out type from the hundred and fifty-two compartments of his case, reading his copy, verifying the words in the composing-stick, and leading the lines, till a ream of damp paper weighted with heavy slabs, and set down in the middle of the gangway, tripped up the bemused spectator, or he caught his hip against the angle of a bench, to the huge delight of boys, "bears," and "monkeys."
"You will pardon me, sir," said the stranger, and I was startled to note that he spoke with a faint American accent, "but are you a literary man?" As I had judged to be the case, he was slightly bemused, but by no means drunk, and although his question was abrupt it was spoken civilly enough. "Journalism is one of the several occupations in which I have failed," I replied, lightly.
A large man, interpenetrated with smoke and idleness and a certain dreary sodden dissipation, heated yet unexcited, reading a novel he has read half-a-dozen times before. He turns his bemused eyes to the door when his invisible visitors enter.
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