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As he put the question, a sudden flood of light seemed to illumine Celia's mind; it was as if she had been gazing perplexedly on a statue swathed in its covering, and as if the covering had been swept away and the statue revealed. She knew now that the face in the portrait resembled that of the young man on whom her thoughts were always dwelling.

An' nary a cent can the Hollys git now an' maybe never. Anyhow, not 'fore it's too late for this job." "But won't he wait? that man they owe it to? I should think he'd have to, if they didn't have it to pay." "Not much he will, when it's old Streeter that's got the mortgage on a good fat farm like this!" David drew his brows together perplexedly. "What is a a mortgage?" he asked.

"Be quiet about it," I said to the hands that had started into movement. "Look sharp now, and make no noise." Then I turned to the mate, who was perplexedly rubbing one bare foot against the other and measuring with his eye our distance from the shore. The Sylph should have turned the point of the island without mishap, as she had done scores of times.

Yes, that would be a wise course he would practise on this boy, and see what sort of success he might achieve. So he stroked his brow perplexedly a moment or two, and presently said "Now I seem to remember thee somewhat but my wit is clogged and dim with suffering "

He felt that she was frightened and in trouble, and he wanted to comfort and reassure her. But how could she be Sidney Richmond? "I don't understand," he said perplexedly. "Oh!" Sidney threw out her hands in a burst of passionate protest. "No, and you never will understand I can't make you understand." "I don't understand," said John Lincoln again.

Their life was simple, straightforward and clear; and their consciousness directed outwards upon the world, not perplexedly absorbed in the contemplation of itself. On the other hand, this harmony which was the essence of the Greek civilisation, was a temporary compromise, not a final solution.

As she stopped, on her way through the narrow passage within, to straighten the rag mat at the door of the front room, she sighed perplexedly and soliloquized resignedly: "Fever! above all things else bless the sickness likely as not it could be the death o' me, and yet, how could I send the lad away or go back on him now." A hissing noise from the kitchen, transported the meditative Mrs.

I'll see ye Sunday if I ain't gone to glory!" Walden pulled open the garden gate to shake hands with the old man, and to kiss Ipsie who, as he lifted her up in his arms, caressed his cheeks with her two dumpy hands. "Has 'oo seen my lady-love?" she asked, in a crooning whisper "My bootiful white lady-love?" Walden looked at Josey perplexedly.

But it is that which is killing her now." Hetty was not listening: she was thinking very perplexedly of what the doctor had said a few moments before; interrupting him now, she said, "Would it do Sally good to take her to another place? that is easily done." Dr. Eben hesitated. "I think sea-air might help her; but I am not sure," he replied. "Would you go with us?" asked Hetty.

And her mother, not knowing what principle of childish faith was involved, hesitated, knitting her small, dark face, which had no look like Lucina's, perplexedly. "I don't know, child," said she. "Please, mother!" "I am afraid you'll trouble your aunt, Lucina." "No, I won't, mother! I'll take my doll, and I'll play with her real quiet."