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"Oh! nobody doubts that Sally has repented," said the embarrassed visitor. "Oh, they don't?" said Hetty, in a sarcastic tone; "well then I'd like to ask them what they mean by treating her as they do. I'd like to ask them what the Lord does to sinners that repent.

"He has a good heart, and is pained at his friends' desertion of him. Sure there is no harm in that?" "I would have too much spirit to show I was hurt, though," cries Hetty, clenching her little fists. "And I would smile, though that horrible old painted woman boxed my ears. She is horrible, mamma. You think so yourself, Theo! Own, now, you think so yourself!

Next morning, about an hour after breakfast, Mrs. She went at once. In the passage she met Johnny Whitelamb coming out. "I am to fetch Miss Hetty," he whispered with a world of dreadful meaning. But for once Johnny was not strictly obedient.

She was still holding it in the palm of her hand when the kitchen door again slammed and the handy man limped into the room. He carried two pails of milk across the kitchen and set them down near the sink. "Whatcha lookin' at, Miz Thompson?" Barney Hatfield asked. Hetty frowned at the egg in her hand without answering. Barney limped around the side of the table for a closer look.

If you could believe he loved you and would help you, as you believe I love you and will help you, it wouldn't be so hard to die on Monday, would it?" "But I can't know anything about it," Hetty said, with sullen sadness. "Because, Hetty, you are shutting up your soul against him, by trying to hide the truth.

But I don't mind anything now, Hetty, if there's ought as I can serve the lad with. I'm despert I'm despert, as far as I think of myself, but there's nought nought as I wouldn't do to serve Will. I'd break a promise I'd break a promise made to the dying, me, who never broke my word! ef it would serve the lad I loves.

There was no moon, but the starlight was so brilliant that the snow crystals glistened in it. As they looked at the sky, a star suddenly fell. It moved very slowly, and was more than a minute in full sight. "One light-house less," said Dr. Eben. "Oh," exclaimed Hetty, "what a lovely idea! who said that? Who called the stars lighthouses?"

In one of the rooms at Osborne, as a pendant to a picture from the "Faery Queen," there hangs a representation from a very different masterpiece in English literature, of the young Squire watching Hetty in the dairy. In the beginning of winter the Prince suffered from an unusually severe fit of illness. In November the Princess Royal again visited England, accompanied by her husband.

You see, Mr. Little," she said, pausing suddenly, and folding her arms on her breast, as she looked at him, "I don't quite see my way clear yet; and one must see one's way clear before one can be quiet. It's horrible to grope." "Yes, yes, child," said the deacon, hesitatingly. He did not understand metaphor. "You are not thinking of going away, are you, Hetty?" "Going away!" exclaimed Hetty.

"Just like Hetty," resounded all over the small house. Be the woman mad or not, the manager saw she was popular, and his brow cleared. "Yes, sing sing anything," he responded, in a voice of intense relief. "I'll pay you anything in reason only sing, and keep them quiet. This is an awful minute for me."

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