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Until the convoy has been dealt with, the pass is so much waste paper, and the unfortunate orderly's inamorata will look for him and behold him not. How many painful misunderstandings this "All passes stopped" law has given rise to, one shudders to guess. But indeed no war-hospital orderly ever arranges any appointment without the proviso that he is liable to break it.

Orderly, take this gentleman to General Porter, and tell him to treat him kindly. Good night." When we got outside of the tent, I slipped a silver half-dollar into the orderly's hand, and asked him if he understood the General's final remark.

The men began, therefore, in accordance with orders to edge into a shallow communication trench only half finished, which the 5th Berks had started from their old line to 6th Avenue. It was a poor shelter, but offered a chance of safe return. Captain Lewis reached it with his orderly's help, and, though grievously wounded, was brought back.

If we were only back in the valleys of Tennessee with what alacrity we would respond to that "assembly;" no Orderly's patience would be worn out in getting laggards and lazy ones to "fall in for roll-call;" how eagerly we would attend to "stable duty;" how gladly mount our faithful horses and ride away to "water," and what bareback races ride, going and coming.

The horrible little gray creature, striking up over its back with spiked tail, drove the deadly barb half an inch into the orderly's naked ankle. The Master scarified, sucked, and cauterized the wound. Nothing availed. Lebon, in his depleted condition, could not fight off the poison.

Usually he slept as the rest slept; but now, weary as he was, he resigned himself to lie staring through the slow hours, till the orderly's call, "Au jus!" should rouse the men to swallow their coffee before reveille. The dormitory, white with moonlight streaming through curtainless open windows, seemed to Max like a mausoleum.

It was evident that he was half dreaming about a former servant now far away on the ancient globe. "Where's my blackboard, Joseph?" "Quite safe, sir," answered Ben Zoof, quickly. Rosette unclosed his eyes and fixed them full upon the orderly's face. "Are you Joseph?" he asked. "At your service, sir," replied Ben Zoof with imperturbable gravity. "Then get me my coffee, and be quick about it."

Voyons, coquin, n'y-a-t-il pas par hasard une visiteuse de la partie." "Une 'Waistcoat' par example? de quarante ans environ, le drap un peu râpé . . ." "Qui se nomme Dorothée ce que veut dire le gilet dieudonné . . ." "Easy now!" the Orderly's voice remonstrated. "Easy, I tell you, ye born mill-clappers! There's a lady in the party, if that's what you're asking."

Ben Zoof added, "And as to the difficulties between the Jew and his passengers, I told him that the governor general was absent on a tour of inspection, and that he would see everything equitably settled." Smiling at his orderly's tactics, Servadac turned to Hakkabut, and told him that he would take care that his claims should be duly investigated and all proper demands should be paid.

Will breathed a sigh of relief as he followed at the orderly's heels. The ordeal was successfully passed. The rest was action. Two days went by. In them Will picked up valuable information here and there, drew maps, and was prepared to depart at the first favorable opportunity. It was about time, he figured, that General Forrest found some scouting work for him.