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Updated: August 10, 2024

"You know, there are times when some such theory tempts me," Paula said. "He was a big moneybags," Carl said. "He bribed his way in. See, New York was bombed flat. Where the old UN buildings were, it's still hot. So The Guide donated a big tract of land outside St.

Ostrov replied with complete readiness: "Precisely. Let us suppose that he comes to Mr. Moneybags. 'I have, he tells him, 'a thing to tell you in confidence, a thing of great personal interest to you. Left alone with Mr. Moneybags he says to him: 'Five hundred roubles, if you please! The other, it goes without saying, is up on his hind legs. 'What for?

"She'll have to wait, Hawke!" roughly said Hugh Johnstone, moving toward the door. "By God! she shall not wait a minute, you damned old moneybags!" cried the ruined soldier, who had long forfeited his caste his cherished rank. "You treated her like a brute to-day! She is a lady, and you can't play fast and loose with her!

And have not the bank directors a meeting at which it was the Judge's purpose to be present, and his office to preside? Indeed they have; and the hour is noted on a card, which is, or ought to be, in Judge Pyncheon's right vest-pocket. Let him go thither, and loll at ease upon his moneybags! He has lounged long enough in the old chair! This was to have been such a busy day.

He was not without hope, too, that besides obtaining the moneybags he might be so fortunate as to fall in love with the possessor of them. Asako Fujinami, whom he had first met at dinner, at Lady Everington's, had crossed his mind just like an exquisite bar of melody. He made no comments at the time, but he could not forget her. The haunting tune came back to him again and again.

It grieves my heart to see one as gallant as this Stutely die, for I have been a good Saxon yeoman in my day, ere I turned palmer, and well I know a stout hand and one that smiteth shrewdly at a cruel Norman or a proud abbot with fat moneybags.

Moneybags in the front pew has got a strangle hold on the parson. Begging your pardon, Mifflin. We know you're not that kind." Marchant won the floor again. "Here's the nub of it. A man's a slave so long as his means of livelihood is dependent on some other man. I don't care whether it's lands or railroads or mines. Abolish private property and you abolish poverty."

Like that immortal hero, she reposed awhile after the first attempt, which resulted in a tumble and the least lovely of the giant's treasures, if I remember rightly. But the 'up again and take another' spirit was as strong in Jo as in Jack, so she scrambled up on the shady side this time and got more booty, but nearly left behind her what was far more precious than the moneybags.

It seemed that, once upon a time, when the Chinese was involved, head and heels, with some rascally down-east Yankee, old man Webster had come to the rescue and had got him out of the scrape with his yellow hide whole and his moneybags untapped.

Ere Morton could recover from the alarm into which this proposal had thrown him, a third speaker rejoined, "I cannot think it at all necessary; Milnwood is an infirm, hypochondriac old man, who never meddles with politics, and loves his moneybags and bonds better than any thing else in the world.

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