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Updated: August 1, 2024

Even took away what he had; and that old, whiskered Mexican says he up and borrowed that from him!" "That's a criminal act," explained McBain exultantly, as he signaled L. W. to be calm. "Shh, not so loud, the girl might hear you. Let him go, and hold it over his head." "No, I'll kill the dastard!" howled L. W. rebelliously and slammed the door in a rage.

Well, the mine paid big, and if I didn't manage it just right I certainly never meant any harm. Of course I spent lots of money some objected to that but I made the old Gunsight pay. "Then " he raised his finger and held it up impressively as he marked the moment of his downfall "then this McBain came along and edged into the Company and right from that day, I lose.

The minute you show these wolves you're afraid they'll fly at your throat in a pack. The thing to do is to look 'em in the eye and keep your gun kind of handy, so." He tapped the old pistol that he still wore under his coat and leaned forward across her desk. "Now tell me this," he said. "Knowing what you know now, does it seem so plain criminal what I did to that robber, McBain?"

Well, why had they never thought of that in the long, wasted days before? Even L. W., the scoffer, caught the sudden contagion; but Andrew McBain did not stir. He was a cautious man and good friends had told him that Rimrock Jones had threatened his life. He stayed in town and Rimrock stayed also and soon the procession came back.

They drew on, and, in a moment, he recognized McBain and his men. He called out to the Scot as they came together. "You get the boat?" McBain shouted his reply. "Sure, but there was nothing doing. It was loaded down with rocks." Just for one brief instant a bitter imprecation hovered on the officer's lips. Then, in a wave of inspiration, he shouted his conviction.

He leaped into the saddle, as McBain cut the gag from the man's mouth. A sharp inquiry broke the silence. "Say, did you fire that alarm?" Fyles cried almost fiercely. The man had struggled to a sitting posture, and began to explain. "No, sir. I was dragged " "Never mind what happened. You didn't give the alarm?" "No, sir." "Quick, McBain!" Fyles almost shouted. "They've done us.

Peter's affection for Stanley Fyles was probably little less than his master's affection for him. The same thing applied to Sergeant McBain, whose hard face suggested little enough of the tenderer emotions. But both men belonged to the prairie, and the long prairie trail inspires a wonderful sympathy between man and beast.

McBain had crossed swords in many a wordy battle. "Are you applying the name of Belial to poor old Barry?" enquired Sandy with interest. "I don't consider he's half earned it." "Barry Seymour's a puir weak fule and canna rule his ain hoose," came the curt answer. Mrs.

She kept her eyes on the road ahead, but Rimrock could see that she was biting her lip with anger. "That's the thing I don't like about you," she burst out passionately, "you never think about anybody else. You always resort to violence. And just because you can walk in on Mr. McBain " "Ah!" exclaimed Rimrock, leaning forward accusingly; but she scorned to meet his stare.

The door had opened to admit Mrs. McBain a tall, gaunt woman with iron-grey hair and shrewd, observant eyes that glinted with the grey flash of steel. Nan jumped up at her entrance. "Oh, Aunt Eliza? How are you? I should have been over to see you before, but there always seems to be something or other going on at Mallow." "I don't doubt it in yon house of Belial," retorted Mrs.

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