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Updated: August 7, 2024

"Hol' on, Ike!" broke in Dunkin, laying a soothing hand on the other's knee, "don' git on yo' high hoss. Dis hyeah's a impo'tant mattah." "I ain't got nothin' to say." "He ain't never tol' you 'bout havin' nothin' but Cubian money on him?" Isaac started. "I see he have. He tol' me de same thing." The two men sat staring suspiciously into each other's faces.

"In the settin'-room, marstah." "Then send Miss Betsy to me there. Put down that broom, and go at once move quickly, nigger!" With a grim look he went into the sitting-room, where his wife was dawdling over her tambour frame; and Polly sped up the stairs. In the upper hall she encountered Aunt Dilsey. "Whut's the mattah, gal?" asked the old negress.

"I always did like you, didn't I, Dinah?" he demanded. "Go 'long wif you, honey!" she exclaimed. "Yo' all doan't git none ob de stuff in dish yeah basket 'till lunch time no, suh! No mattah how lubbin' yo' is!" Off they started, with laughter and shouts, Uncle Daniel and his hired man sitting on the front seat, taking turns driving the horses.

After the Major had gone, Saulisbury said: "There's one thing the Majah was careful note to mention, my deah. Why should this young fellow be going abeout defending the good name of his niece? Do ye kneow, my deah, I fancy the young idiot is in love with her." "Well, suppose he is?" "But, my deah! In England, you kneow, it wouldn't mattah; it would be a case of hopeless devotion.

"Dar doan' 'pear to be nobody 'bout dis hyar depot," remarked Uncle Ben reflectively; "but I reckon dar's somebody comin' to 'splain de mattah. Wha's de 'casion ob dis mos' onusual state ob t'ings?" he added, as a woman, who been watching the carriage and its occupants, the open door of a neighboring house, came miming in their direction.

Sigsbee relative to the mattah. He hands me a letter, but I can't hardly read it his buyin' this hop-head gets my goat. "'What you goin' to do with him? I says. 'Race him? "'That is ma intention, suh, he says. 'Ah expect to keep him in yoh hands. But, of co'se, suh, the hawss will race on his merits and without any sawt of stimulant. "I ain't stuck on the proposition.

Thah you sees a big white house. Yo' wants to go through th' ya'd, to a paf that takes you a spell to a gate. Yo' follows that road to th' lef till yo' comes to three roads goin' up a hill; and, jedge, it don' mattah which one of them thah roads yo' take, yo' gets lost surer 'n hell anyway!" Then Doug turned placidly back to the construction of his trophy.

Then, instid o' bein' meek an' lowly, an' smoothin' him down, an' axin' him to please be so kind ez to reconsidah the mattah, you puts on yo' I'm-ez-good-ez-you-an'-a-blamed-sight-bettah air, an' axes him to explain his conduc'." "But indeed, Mr. Rogers, I was both respectful and deferential to Major Gilcrest."

"He has ability as a writer," said the Captain; "but in such a mattah anybody but a fool ought to see that the thing to do is to chahge the intrenchments. I trust that I may not be misunde'stood when I say that, in my opinion, a good rattling chahge would not be a fo'lo'n hope!"

Only a few minutes had passed, however, when the little maid Betty came rushing unceremoniously in, her eyes wild with affright. "Missus, missus," she cried, "suffin de mattah wid ole Aunt Chloe; she " Elsie waited to hear no more, but pushing past the child, flew to the rescue. But one glance at the aged face told her that no human help could avail; the seal of death was on it.

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