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On the other hand, by crushing Argyle effectually, he would not only permit his present western friends to bring out that proportion of their forces which they must otherwise leave at home for protection of their families; but farther, he would draw to his standard several tribes already friendly to his cause, but who were prevented from joining him by fear of M'Callum More.

To judge from the haste with which they dispersed, the domestics of the Marquis were scarce more pleased with their late occupation than the anxious Captain Dalgetty; indeed, many of them being Highlandmen, had the excuse of not understanding a single word which the clergyman spoke, although they gave their attendance on his doctrine by the special order of M'Callum More, and would have done so had the preacher been a Turkish Imaum.

We will turn back on this M'Callum More, who follows us like a raven to devour the relics of our army, should we meet braver men who may be able to break its strength!

Wait a moment Did we meet at the Caledonian Sports, in Echuca, two years ago, past? No! Well, perhaps yes didn't we have a drink together, at Ivanhoe, three or four months ago?" "Od sink 't," muttered the honest fellow, in vexation; "A thocht ye was yin Tam M'Callum, frae Selkirksheer." "I'm a Victorian myself, and my people are Irish," I remarked gently.

"Gallantly resolved," said Montrose; "and if you will come apart with me, I will furnish you with the conditions to be laid before M'Callum More, upon which we are willing to grant him a truce for his Highland dominions." With these we need not trouble our readers.

After this duty had been carefully performed, Captain Dalgetty proposed to return to the castle, observing, it was his intention to spend the time betwixt this and dinner, which, he presumed, would come upon the parade about noon, in burnishing his armour, which having sustained some injury from the sea-air, might, he was afraid, seem discreditable in the eyes of M'Callum More.

It was found that the Scots preferred to follow a chieftain of their own, and it has therefore been determined that Argyle M'Callum More, as the breechless savages of Inverary call him shall command a separate expedition landing upon the western coast of Scotland.

Sir, I wish you a very good evening I am obliged to depart the castle under M'Callum More's passport." "Stay one instant, sir," said the preacher; "is there nothing I can do to testify my respect for the pupil of the great Gustavus, and so admirable a judge of preaching?"

"Losh! it's no Tam M'Callum!" he swung his swag to the ground, and extended his hand "Mony 's the thocht A had o' ye, mun. Ma certie, A kent weel we wad forgather ir lang. An' hoo're ye farin' syne?" "Excellent, i' faith of the chameleon's dish," I replied, with winning politeness, and a hearty hand-grip, though I felt like a man in the act of parrying a rifle bullet.

Sometimes it came off well, but at others his club had to pay the penalty with a free kick. ~Mr. Russell.~ In the present contest Mr. Russell was one of the three half-backs, and in no match during that season had a trio such terrible opponents to encounter as the two Campbells, M'Call, and M'Callum, who were perfect demons among the Renton forwards.