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"But my name's Collins," I continued, brightening up; "and Collins sounds something like M'Callum." "Ye 'se no be the mon A thocht ye was," replied Tam decidedly and the unconscious double-meaning of his words sank into my heart "Bit hae ye onything tae dae wi' Rinnymede?" "No; I 'm only a caller, like yourself. Moriarty, here, is the storekeeper."

I have been shipmates with a man, no longer young, who sailed upon that voyage, his first time to sea, for the mere love of Samoa; and it was a few letters in a newspaper that sent him on that pilgrimage. Mr. M'Callum was another instance of the same.

M'Callum could not have been saved by any keeper, as it came out of a scrimmage from the Celtic man's foot like a rocket. Mr. Downie is a very neat kicker-out in front, and shows fine judgment with his hands in clearing the ball away from a crowd of opposing forwards. ~A. Thompson.~ Mr.

"In brief, mine honourable friends," said Captain Dalgetty, again eyeing them both with an air of comic penetration, "I find it would not be altogether unacceptable to either of you, to have some token to remember the old soldier by, in case it shall please M'Callum More to hang him up at the gate of his own castle.

The play after this was very even, and the Celts were showing off some grand combined efforts, but were unfortunate at goal. At length, however, the Irishmen made a brilliant sally on the Volunteers' stronghold, and Mr. M'Callum put the ball between the posts.

"And now, Ranald," said Dalgetty, "strip thy upper garment thy plaid I mean, Ranald, and in it will I muffle the M'Callum More, and make of him, for the time, a Child of the Mist; Nay, I must bring it over your head, my lord, so as to secure us against your mistimed clamour.

He then departed, having first saluted the Englishman and Angus M'Aulay, who remained looking at each other for some time in silence, and then burst out into a fit of laughter. "That fellow," said Sir Miles Musgrave, "is formed to go through the world." "I shall think so too," said M'Aulay, "if he can slip through M'Callum More's fingers as easily as he has done through ours."

"Ah ha! your Excellency," said the Captain, twisting his hard features into an inimitable expression of cunning and intelligence, "if they do not put my head in a poke, which I have known practised upon honourable soldados who have been suspected to come upon such errands as the present, your Excellency may rely on a preceese narration of whatever Dugald Dalgetty shall hear or see, were it even how many turns of tune there are in M'Callum More's pibroch, or how many checks in the sett of his plaid and trews."

The vessel carried Charles Grimes, the Surveyor-General of New South Wales, and his assistant, Meehan; also a surgeon named M'Callum, and a liberated convict named Flemming, who was to report on the agricultural capabilities of the district.

Methinks our ancestors were accustomed to hold Highland huntings, or other purposes of meeting, without asking the leave either of the great M'Callum More himself, or any of his emissaries or dependents."