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But a low spoken word of her mother's reached her from the dining-room, turning aside her anger: "I hate to ask Lynn to take her into her room. Such a queer girl! It seems like a desecration! Lynn's lovely room!" "She had no right to put herself upon us!" said the father in troubled tones. "She is as far from our daughter as heaven is from the pit. Who is she, anyway?"

Since old Nicholas of Lynn's expedition to the northern regions of the world in the reign of Edward the Third up to this period, no voyages of discovery had been performed under the patronage of Government; and probably but little, if any, improvement had taken place in marine architecture. A new era was about to commence, which was to see the establishment of England's naval glory.

But at present it was only the white back of the card that was pressed into service. Lynn's eyes grew round and solemn, as they always did when she was delivering herself of a "song." She stared hard at the shuttered house. "Call it 'The Very Sad House," she said. "'The Very Sad House," wrote Pauline obediently. "No, cross that out," said Lynn; "I remember I thought of a better name.

The social evening was held in the restaurant in the basement. The tables were put on one side so that there might be room for dancing, and smaller ones were set out for progressive whist. "The 'eads 'ave to get there early," said Mrs. Hodges. She introduced him to Miss Bennett, who was the belle of Lynn's.

The climax of these annoyances came one night after a party at which Lorelei had been presented to an old friend of Miss Lynn's. Lilas had introduced the man as one of her girlhood chums, and Lorelei had tried to be nice to him; then in some way he arranged to take her home. The memory of that ride was a horror.

I am beginning to think it pays to get learning." The girl regarded him with a mingled expression of surprise and amusement struggling in her face, as she replied: "Perhaps my life does seem an easy one to others. At least, I do not complain." "No," said the farmer, "but you've foolishly added to your burdens, taking that young one of Lynn's. Whatever induced you to do it?"

There were a number of boxes outside on the sidewalk. Inside, there was a large apartment occupying the entire first floor, with the exception of a room in the rear, which had been partitioned off for a counting-room. The partition was of glass, and, as he looked from the entrance, he could see a couple of high desks and a table. "Is this Godfrey & Lynn's?" he asked of a porter at the entrance.

He had a persuasive, hail-fellow well-met air with him which appealed to customers of this sort, and they said to one another: "What's the good of throwing money away when you can get a coat and skirt at Lynn's that nobody knows don't come from Paris?" Mr.

As mother and son were leaving, Jim managed to get a word in private with his sister. "Don't weaken," he cautioned her. "Lynn's gone, and it's all over. We've got the whip-hand on all of 'em Hammon, Merkle, Bob, Lilas everybody. We've got 'em all, understand? We've landed BIG!"

Bob drove away with a parting flourish of his whip. The elevator was in its place, the hall-man was dozing, with heels propped upon the telephone switchboard, when Wharton entered the Elegancia and rang the bell of Lilas Lynn's apartment; but a careless glimpse of the glittering buttons and the rusty hat sent the attendant back into his drowse.