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Updated: August 7, 2024

A dead hush fell over the group, broken only by the suppressed sobs of Savitre, who was crouching beside Lianor, and the pitiful moans of the little girl dying in one of the rough seamen's arms.

Garcia I leave to you; he is too young to realize his loss; but never let him know his father's sin!" he exclaimed hoarsely; and, after pressing his boy tightly to his breast, kissed the dying child; then softly lifting Lianor in his arms, he first pressed his lips reverently on her pale brow, and, before any one could prevent him, or realize what he was about to do, he had sprang from the rock into the deep torrent, and disappeared with his precious burden from their view.

But there is something more I wish to ask; it will make me happy if you will grant my request." "We shall see. Tell me first what it is." Lianor briefly related her wish to visit the old temple which lay beyond Goa, to search with Panteleone the curious old ruins she had so often read of in her studies. Don Gracia looked grave; evidently this project did not find much favor in his eyes.

Presently the dreamy silence was broken; faint cries from afar reached her; and looking hastily up, Lianor saw a sight which made her stand rooted to the spot in speechless horror.

It was still early when Lianor awoke; but in spite of the drowsiness overpowering her, she hastily rose, and calling her maids, bade them quickly arrange her toilet. "I am restless, and cannot stay longer indoors; I wish to be out in the fresh air," she explained to Savitre, who entered soon after.

And I have tried hard to make you happy. Nothing in reason have I refused you jewels, such as a queen might envy; priceless stuffs to deck your pretty form, and other things which no girl of your age ever possessed," reproachfully. Lianor bent down, and kissed his brow, lovingly repentingly. "You have been a great deal too good to me.

A few weeks later Don Garcia himself was taken ill, and one day, feeling slightly better, he sent for his daughter, to whom he wished to speak on important business. He was not kept long waiting. Lianor soon appeared, looking like a crushed flower in her somber robes. "You wished to see me, papa?" "Yes, Lianor; but you can almost guess for what.

Silently, without daring to murmur one word, the men walked bravely onward. They were nearly half way across. Manuel had indeed touched firm ground, when a sudden cry from her little girl made Lianor turn in affright to see what ailed her. That move was fatal; the next instant she had lost her footing and fallen into the dashing torrent.

"My dear Lianor," said her companion, a young man scarcely older than herself, and wonderfully like her, "what new idea, have you got now?" "An idea of seeing more of the curious places I have read so much about. Fancy living a lifetime in a country and never going beyond one town! If I do not get some excitement, I shall die of ennui, so I warn you."

Scarcely, however, had they arrived without the palace gates, than Diniz Sampayo, his face pale and haggard, eyes full of fear and anguish, came hastily to her side. "Donna Lianor, return to your father's house; I have something to tell you which I dare not breathe here it is too horrible! Prepare yourself for a great shock, my poor child!

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