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Not many days after, Manuel Tonza, his wife, children, Panteleone, and Savitre, accompanied by several faithful servants, including Lalli and Tolla, embarked in a fine stately ship, which was to bear them in safety to their home. Tonza seemed full of joy as he saw the last lines of the Indian coast disappear. He had rarely appeared so happy since his marriage with Lianor five years before.

Her cousin rose, and took the white, outstretched hand; then like two children they crossed the beautiful marble hall, until, arriving before a door draped with rich curtains, Lianor paused and softly knocked. "Come in!" rather impatiently. With a smile Lianor opened the door, and entered, followed by Pantaleone.

It is quite true he bought it here, soon after Jarima, the fisherman, had sold it to my grandfather. He, poor dear, is also in sorrow, imprisoned for having received stolen goods, as if he could tell when things are stolen!" indignantly. "I am very sorry, Miriam; but if you help me, you will help your grandfather also," Lianor urged gently. "I will!"

Toki, a native who had grown old in the Viceroy's palace, led the way toward one of the ruined temples that erected to Siva, the God of Destruction. Lianor gazed with awed eyes at the magnificent palace, still bearing traces of former beauty. "How wonderful! I must stay here, Leone, and sketch those old statues. We need go no farther."

Lianor smiled tremulously through her tears, and a blush mantled to her cheeks. "You have saved my life. I can never repay you," earnestly. Panteleone, still pale and anxious, now appeared leading the little widow, who seemed overjoyed at her release. She sank down gladly beside Lianor, and then the palanquin was borne away, guarded by Luiz and Panteleone, Satzavan walking behind.

Lianor reeled against the bed, and held firmly to the silken curtains to prevent herself falling. "Do you mean this, father? His wife when he murdered Luiz?" "What nonsense are you saying, child? Do not let me hear you speak like this again. What motive could a wealthy man like Tonza have in getting rid of one of his own employes? Grief has turned your brain.

She stopped; the outstretched arms fell inertly down, the graceful head drooped, and without one cry or moan, Lianor fell heavily to the ground unconscious. "Explain, Savitre Sampayo, what means this strange raving? Who is dead?" Don Garcia said, fearfully. "It means that Luiz Falcam was found murdered this morning!

"Lianor," he began, a bright smile lighting up his face as he bent to kiss her fair brow, "I have been thinking, and am resolved to quit India and return to Portugal. I have been here long enough. Don't you think that will be pleasant, dearest?" "Nothing would please me more," Lianor cried, delightedly.

But as Lianor had truly remarked, he loved his daughter so passionately that he very rarely refused her anything, even though he doubted the wisdom of complying with her wishes. "Papa" the sweet voice was very coaxing, and the red lips close to his cheek "say yes, darling; it will make me so happy." "But suppose any danger should threaten you?"

"The greatest wish of my life is to see Portugal once more, to show our country to our children," bending to kiss her tiny daughter's face. "Then it will be granted. Prepare to start as soon as possible. Now, I am determined to leave here. Something seems to urge me to go at once." Only too anxious, Lianor began her arrangements.