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Updated: August 7, 2024

But not long did he wait; soon the curtains were again lifted, and Lianor, radiant as a bright star, in trailing robes of white and gold, diamonds flashing on her bare arms and round her delicate throat, came towards him. "My queen, my own dear love! what should I do if they took you from me?" passionately pressing her hands to his lips. "They will never do that, Luiz.

If we had not gone, this poor girl would have been burnt to death," Lianor said, shudderingly, drawing Savitre towards her. "Ah, yes. Poor child!" stroking the young widow's glossy black hair. "Now tell me all about it." "Not yet, papa. Let us go and arrange our dresses; mine is torn completely to pieces," laughingly holding up a fragment of cashmere, which in the struggle had become torn.

Lianor and Panteleone, watching from their hiding-place the strange preparations, now saw a girl, very young and beautiful, but weeping bitterly, being dragged toward the pile by a tall, hard-looking woman. "Come!" she cried, in loud, ringing tones, "now is the time to uphold the honor of your family, and show your courage!"

"If we go farther inland, we are sure to find some natives, if only savages," Tonza remarked gravely; and followed by the men, he commenced the long, weary way. Lianor, pale but firm, holding in her arms her little daughter, walked beside him, heedless of the fatigue which oppressed her and made her long to sink upon the sandy ground to rest.

Tears shone in his eyes when he recounted the sad death of Lianor and her husband. "Poor, poor girl! How sorry I am!" Diniz said mournfully, while Miriam, scarcely able to repress her sobs, drew Lianor's orphan boy in her arms, and bore him to their pretty home. "You are welcome all!" Sampayo said gently, turning to the haggard-looking seamen. "Come."

Happy and content, after a tender adieu to Lianor, the captain left the viceroy's palace, to seek his own apartments. Not far had he gone, however, when a shadow stole silently behind him, and the next moment he felt himself suddenly grasped by powerful hands and flung to the ground. Almost stunned by the fall, he was yet able to see the dark face bending over him.

"But is there no way to escape?" Lianor asked wildly, frightened at the peril into which her folly had brought them all. "We might have gone; but it is too late. They are here," Toki said gravely. "The only thing we can do is to hide amongst these broken statues, and perhaps we may be safe from their view."

Lianor grew deathly pale. "Dead!" she repeated, clasping her hands despairingly to her throbbing brow. "It cannot be true! My darling dead murdered!" "My poor child, it is only too true! This morning he was found, and brought home, stabbed through the heart!" "But who could have done it?" Savitre asked in a low, hushed whisper. "I wish I knew. But, alas! that is a mystery!"

From what I have since heard, I am afraid danger threatens my Lianor. Will you help me to rescue her?" "Will I lay down my life to keep her from harm! Oh, senor, how can you ask? Let me start immediately, and ere long I will bring your child back in safety," fervently. Don Garcia was surprised at the young man's eagerness, but refrained from speaking, only to thank him for his kind offer.

The youth darted off obediently, and presently returned to the tree where Diniz stood almost hidden by its shady branches, leading Lianor, whose face wore a look of some wonder. "Diniz, is it really you? Have you brought me any news?" she asked eagerly. Sampayo took her outstretched hand and kissed it reverently. "Yes," he said softly; "good news." "What is it? Tell me!"

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