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It was 'parler du soleil et l'on en voit les rayons; and the brightness of the sun came over Margaret's face as she put down her board, and went forward to shake hands with him. 'Tell mamma, Sarah, said she. 'Mamma and I want to ask you so many questions about Edith; I am so much obliged to you for coming.

"I own," wrote Selwyn, "that to see Charles closeted every instant at Brooks's by one or other, that he can neither punt or deal for a quarter of an hour but he is obliged to give an audience, while Hare is whispering and standing behind him, like Jack Robinson, with a pencil and paper for mems., is to me a scene la plus parfaitement que l'on puisse imaginer, and to nobody it seems more risible than to Charles himself."

Ah! why is it, that the noblest of our passions should be also the most selfish? that while we would make all earthly sacrifice for the one we love, we are perpetually demanding a sacrifice in return; that if we cannot have the rapture of blessing, we find a consolation in the power to afflict; and that we acknowledge, while we reprobate, the maxim of the sage: 'L'on veut faire tout le bonheur, ou, si cela ne se peut ainsi, tout le malheur de ce qu'on aime."

[Note 2: "Cette sommité élevée de 984 toises au dessus de notre lac, et par conséquent de 1172 au dessus de la mer, est remarquable en ce que l'on y voit des fragmens d'huîtres pétrifiés. Cette montagne est dominée par un rocher escarpé, qui s'il n'est pas inaccessible, est du moins d'un bien difficile accès; il paroît presqu'entièrement composé de coquillages pétrifiés, renfermés dans un roc calcaire, ou marbre grossier noirâtre. Les fragmens qui s'en détachent, et que l'on rencontre en montant

«Ce qui avoit fait regarder cette observation comme très-importante, c'est que l'on avoit cru qu'elle pourroit servir

Wormwood and walnut-shells contain other bitter and poisonous principles; absinthe, which is made from one of them, is a favourite slow poison with the fashionable young men of Paris, who wish to escape prematurely from 'Le monde l'on s'ennuie. But prussic acid is the commonest component in all natural bitters, being found in bitter almonds, apple pips, the kernels of mangosteens, and many other seeds and fruits.

«Au dessus de ce village sont de grands et beaux pâturages avec des chalets qui ne sont habités qu'en été, et que l'on nomme les Granges de Solaison. C'est l

The occasion was furnished by a sad little experience. "Menez-moi" dit la belle, "A la rive fidèle l'on aime toujours." ... "Cette rive ma chère On ne la connait guère Au pays des amours.".... Trooper Herbert Hawker had no appreciation for Theophile Gautier or perhaps none for being awakened from his warm slumbers.

"Received payment, 13.31 J. D., S. C. D. Per Charles E. Kanapeaux, Clerk." Thus ended the scene. The little darkie might have said when he was in jail, "Je meurs de faim, et l'on ne mapport‚ rien;" and when he left, "Il est faufite avec les chevaliers d'industrie." WE must now return to Manuel. He was in close confinement, through Mr. Grimshaw's orders.

When I prepare for my bed at night she shall not be forgotten." "'Les morts que l'on fait saigner dans leur tombe se vengent toujours!" she quoted to herself as she undressed; and while she prided herself upon being above superstition, decided upon the above method of propitiating the Shade. In the night she had a dream which bathed her in the sweat of terror.