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Now, a sermon for Dutch Protestants is a difficult thing; it has to be long enough to fill nearly a whole service of about two hours; and it is listened to by educated and uneducated people, who all expect to be edified. Dominee Barendsen, like so many of his colleagues, tries to meet this difficulty by giving light nourishment in an attractive form.

There were three doors in the walls, deeply shrouded in the dusk of the room, and it was very hard to watch all three at once. . . . Red listened intently and then grinned. "Hear that? They're playing dominoes in there come on!" "Aw, you chump! 'Dominee' means 'mother' in Latin, which is what they speaks." "How do you know?" "Hanged if I can tell I've heard it somewhere, that's all."

Jan ten Brink, Bernard ter Haar, etc. Dominee Barendsen is likewise well known in Dutch literary circles. General Hendriks is the next to be announced. Dutch officers do not like to go about in their uniform, but the gallant general is also expected at the ball, and so he has donned his military garments.

"Quit cussing!" tersely ordered Hopalong. "An' for God's sake, throw out that damned cigarette! Ain't you got no manners?" Red listened intently and then grinned. "Hear that? They're playing dominoes in there come on!" "Aw, you chump! 'Dominee' means 'mother' in Latin, which is what they speaks." "How do you know?" "Hanged if I can tell I've heard it somewhere, that's all."

«Le chalet de Plianpra est situé au milieu d'une assez grande prairie en pente douce du côté de la vallée de Chamouni, et dominée du côté opposé par les rocs nus qui forment les sommités de la chaîne du Bréven. Du bord de cette prairie, on a une très-belle vue du Mont-Blanc, de la vallée de Chamouni et des glaciers qui y aboutissent. Ces mêmes objets se présentent avec bien plus d'éclat de la cime du Bréven; cependant la vue de Plianpra mériteroit bien que ceux qui n'auroient pas la force ou le courage d'aller jusques

"See here, Sim, you'd best shet that trap-door of yours, it's letting out too much blue smoke, and the dominee don't permit swearing among the boys. Cal'late I can give you some assistance if you're needing it," said the seaman, coming uncomfortably near. "As for that there slugger of yourn, he's nothing but a white-livered cur of a coward."

[Note 2: "Cette sommité élevée de 984 toises au dessus de notre lac, et par conséquent de 1172 au dessus de la mer, est remarquable en ce que l'on y voit des fragmens d'huîtres pétrifiés. Cette montagne est dominée par un rocher escarpé, qui s'il n'est pas inaccessible, est du moins d'un bien difficile accès; il paroît presqu'entièrement composé de coquillages pétrifiés, renfermés dans un roc calcaire, ou marbre grossier noirâtre. Les fragmens qui s'en détachent, et que l'on rencontre en montant