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Updated: August 14, 2024

"A fellow-sufferer," he said, and sighed deeply. Last of all we were conducted to the common room, a spacious apartment immediately under the dome. At one end a huge stone fireplace, in which a fire crackled cheerfully. "'Non Possumus," read Indiman, deciphering the motto chiselled upon the chimney-breast. "An admirable sentiment indeed! Dr.

"It is cold shut stove door there's enough now to last me out." Indiman went to the stove, where a little fire was smouldering; he shut the door and turned on the draught. The flame leaped up instantly, the crazy smoke-pipe rattling as it expanded under the influence of the heat. Indiman turned again to the dying man. "You know well enough why I have come," he said, slowly.

"The letters, Bolder," he said, but the man had anticipated his request, and was carrying in a salver heaped high with missives and papers. "I had the personal put in the HERALD the same night of our adventure at the House-smiths' bazaar," said Indiman. "Also repeated in to-day's issue." "It seems to be bearing a fine crop of replies."

"Huh!" grunted the man, suspiciously, but he took the little piece of metal and inserted it into the slot of the lock. The door swung open. Amazing, but what followed was even more incredible. The man stepped into the hall, but continued to hold the door wide open. "You're coming in, I suppose," he said, surlily. "Certainly," answered Indiman.

Mirrors, gilding, mosaics it is all a dream of luxury and impresses one with a realizing sense of the financial standing of the Barowsky Brothers. You must have a good front in the Yiddish country if you expect to handle other people's money. Esper Indiman, adjuster of averages, occupied a suite of rooms on the fifth floor. I proceeded thither and found him in. We sat down and smoked amicably.

"The curl-papers do not seem to be very effective," remarked Indiman, glancing at the familiar smooth bands of hair drawn straight down from the forehead and over the ears. "Ah, these wretched bandeaux!" sighed madame; "they are intractable. I shall have to wear my curl-papers by day as well as by night.

"Precisely what I am trying to do," said Indiman, humbly. "It is a settlement that I am proposing." "I perceive, sir, that I am making myself ridiculous," and the voice sounded cold and inconceivably distant. "I have the honor to wish you a very good-morning." The telephone rang off sharply.

He handed the officer the package containing the alarm-clock. "That I have," answered the gratified Brownson. "Keep close eye on Grenelli, Officer Smith, and I may be able to overlook your shortcomings of this morning. I say, Mr. Indiman, but there's a regular miracle in this 'ere business. Now, how do you suppose this blessed little twopenny box ever come through an earthquake like that there."

Sydenham I shall carry off to my house; I want to have a talk with him." But Indiman declined to re-enter the coach, pleading some further business down-town, and, of course, I remained with him. The carriage was about to drive off when Indiman put up his hand. "How stupid of me!" he exclaimed. "I had almost forgotten."

Nevertheless, I doubt if there is much in the mystery worthy of a connoisseur's attention. It strikes me as smacking of the made-up, the theatric; it has something of the air commercial about it an advertisement, perhaps." "Nonsense!" I retorted, warmly. "Well, let the event decide. The cab's number did you note it?" "No." "It was No. 872," said Indiman. The Philadelphia Quizzing-Glass

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