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His weapons were not exactly of the kind which a housebreaker would provide himself with, but of a somewhat peculiar nature. Weapon number one was a slip of paper with a date and a few words written upon it. "I think this will fetch the document," he said to himself, "if it comes to the worst. Not if I can help it, not if I can help it.

The housebreaker freed one arm, and grasped his pistol. The certainty of immediate detection if he fired, flashed across his mind even in the midst of his fury; and he beat it twice with all the force he could summon, upon the upturned face that almost touched his own.

Captain is an unfortunate title, somewhat equivalent to the foreign count unfortunate in this respect, that it is easily adopted by many whose claims to it are very slight. Archie Clavering, with his polished leather boots, had looked like a captain had come up to her idea of a captain but this man! The more she regarded him, the stronger in her mind became the idea of the housebreaker.

Hea am aw to know yo're not playin' a marlock wi' mo? He'll be oop i' th' heawse theer. Col. And how am I to know you're not a housebreaker? Th. Dun yo think an owd mon like mosel' would be of mich use for sich wark as that, mon? Col. G. The more fit for a spy, though, to see what might be made of it. Th. Eh, mon! Dun they do sich things as yon?

Who knows that he mayn't be a murderer, or a housebreaker, or a utterer of forged notes? How can he make his money honestly, when he won't say where he gets it? Why does he leave you eight hours every blessid day, and won't say where he goes to? Oh, Mary, Mary, you are the most injured of women!" And with this Mrs.

You didn't suppose I'd go off to get married without even a decent handkerchief, did you? I feel enough like a sneakin' ragamuffin and housebreaker as 'tis. Why I ever was crazy enough to where have you put the horse?" Mr. Hammond led her to where George Washington was tethered. The father of his country was tired of standing alone in the damp, and he trotted off briskly.

Sheppard's grave, the mother of the famous housebreaker," said Morgan, in answer to Jack's inquiry; "and it's well they let her have Christian burial after all for they say she destroyed herself for her son. The crowner's 'quest sat on her yesterday and if she hadn't been proved out of her mind, she would have been buried at four lane-ends." Jack could stand no more.

And wouldn't I eat heartily out of the spoons I had stolen? But what name is that? Who calls me a housebreaker? Who gives me in charge? Who lugs me off by the neck? I will not stand it. I am innocent, except of breaking into a baronet's house. I am a gentleman, with another gentleman's spoons in my pocket. I claim the protection of the law. Police! police! My brain was wandering.

I should have such strength, muttered the robber, poising his brawny arm, 'that I could smash your head as if a loaded waggon had gone over it. 'You would? 'Would I! said the housebreaker. 'Try me. 'If it was Charley, or the Dodger, or Bet, or 'I don't care who, replied Sikes impatiently. 'Whoever it was, I'd serve them the same.

It looked very much as though somebody had tried to force the door that night, employing a knife which had dented the woodwork and scratched the paint. The least thing was enough to alarm us, standing where we stood, and the constable's face was full of suspicion. Who had sought an entrance? It could be no trained and practised housebreaker; he would have had better tools.