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Let's consider what he took five thousand dollars in government bonds, two deeds, an insurance policy, and a quart of small change a very suggestive lot of loot if you think about it enough. After the robbery he disappeared, nothing seen of him for five or six days; then he turned up again for a day or so, and finally disappeared forever. So much for ha'nt number two. He's the party we're after.

Fairfax Cary and Major Edward continued a discussion of the latest Napoleonic victory; Unity played with her spoon and thought of her wedding-gown; Deb drank her glass of milk and planned a visit with Miranda to a blasted pine tree, lived in, all the quarter agreed, by a ha'nt that came out at night, like a ring of smoke out of a great black pipe!

"Yes," I said, "that's the kind the Colonel always smoked a fresh box was stolen from the dining-room cupboard a day or so after I got here. Solomon said it was the ha'nt, but we suspected it was Solomon." "Was the cupboard unlocked?" "Oh, yes; any of the house servants could have got at it."

You ha'nt learnt your lesson, Master Vetch; more fool you." It was Joe Punchard's voice. If I had doubted it I should have been assured by a word that fell from his companion. "Haul him to the watch house, Joe. I'll bring this fellow!" "And the bag, Captain?" says Joe. "Give it to this long fellow," says the other, with a hard look at me.

Only I can never hear just what it is they say. Do you think they move sometimes at night?" "I'll never look to see," said Mary piously. "At night I stay in my own little house, where everything is quiet and homelike and there are no queer things about." Hortense shivered delightfully. Perhaps she would see and hear the queer things, and even see the "ha'nt" of which Grandfather had spoken.

The shrieks trembled high for an instant, and then died out in a despairing moan, while the blanched face of an old servant appeared in the doorway. "Is hit you er yo' ha'nt, Marse Jonathan?" he inquired humbly. "Come here, you doddering idiot, and take my horse."

Jonas and Cynthy Ann retired to the kitchen, and the former said hi his irreverent way, "Blamed ef Abigail ha'nt got more devils into her'n Mary Magdalene had the purtiest day she ever seed! I should think, arter a life with her fer a mother, the bad place would be a healthy and delightful clime. The devil a'n't a patchin' to her."

"Archie's just come in," she remarked at last, "an' he walked up with old Uncle Toby, who said he'd seen a ha'nt in the dusk over at Poplar Spring. I don't see how Mrs. Gay an' Miss Kesiah can endure to live thar." "Oh, they're just darkies' tales nobody believes in them any more than in conjuring and witches." "That's true, I reckon, but I shouldn't like to live over thar all the same.

She could see the water plain enough, but then she could also see Sweetest Susan and Buster John, and they seemed to be very comfortable. "I'm comin'," she yelled, "but ef you all make me git drownded in dry water I'll ha'nt you ef it's de las' thing I do!" Then she shut her eyes tight, put her fingers in her ears, and leaped into the spring.

I eyen't goin' to buck again no signs it eyen't human nature, no it eyen't. You mark my words, 'Bud' Hardenberg, we clear this port with a ship wot has a ha'nt an' we waon't never come back agyne, my hearty." That night he berthed aft with us on the quarterdeck, but though we stood watch and watch till well into the dawn, nothing stirred about the foremast.