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Now, if you wouldn't mind goin' up and stayin' with Cap'n Baxter for a few minutes while I finish gettin' breakfast. I've been up and down so many times in the last ha'f hour, I don't know's I'm sartin whether I'm on my head or my heels." The Captain went upstairs in a dazed state.

"Dat's all a lie, doctuh," he whispered, "'bout de operation bein' already pe'fo'med. Dey-all had jes' gone in de minute befo' you come Doctuh Price hadn' even got out 'n de room. Dey be'n quollin' 'bout you fer de las' ha'f hour.

He could not look into the other's face so shining with honesty and gratitude. "But there ain't no gold found on that claim yet," Scipio went on. "Leastways, not that I know of, so what's the use deceivin' you? An' dollars, why, there's no question of 'em between us. You can stand in ha'f my claim, Bill, an' welcome, but you ain't going to pay me dollars for gold that ain't been found.

"Then why on earth did you do it?" Joe humped his back with a movement expressive of unconcern. "It don't matter why. Jake's nigh killed me ha'f a dozen times. One o' these days he'll fix me sure. He'll lace hell out o' me to-morrow, I'm guessin', an' when it's done it won't alter nothin' anyways. I've jest two things in this world, I notion, an' one of 'em's drink.

"I dunno who the feller is, or how much money he gin Joe in the fust place to help pay for the fiddle some, of course. But if Joe paid Hopewell a hundred dollars for the thing you kin jest bet he 'spected to git ha'f as much ag'in for it. "But I reckon the feller's reneged or suthin'. Joe ain't happy about it he! he!

Wal, I put ha'f a dozen slugs o' whisky down my neck which he sed would prevent me gittin' cold, seein' water wa'n't in my line an' hit the trail fer the meetin'." "What denomination?" asked Tresler, curiously. "What religion?" he added, for the man's better understanding. "Wal, I don't rightly knows," Arizona went on gravely.

"Wall, I dunno, but I reckon sumpin's de matter, for no sooner did de colonel git on his horse and ride away dan Marse George go git his hat and coat hisse'f and make tracks th'ou' de park by de short cut and you know he neber do dat 'cept when he's in a hurry, and den in 'bout a ha'f hour he come back ag'in lookin' like he'd seed de yahoo, only he was mad plump th'ou'; den he hollered for me quick like, and sont me down underneaf yere to Mr.

I do not care to discuss her." "She's a woman," said Lund. "And yo're a damned prig! You'd like to bust me in the jaw, but you know I'm stronger. You've got some guts, Rainey, but yo're hidebound. You ain't got ha'f the git-up-an'-go to ye that she has. She's a woman, I tell you, an' she's to be won.

Ain't none better on this endurin' Cape no, sir. We got the best cook on the Head. If you are ever lucky enough to get one ha'f as good, Tunis " "Now, you be still, Ira," admonished Prudence, smiling comfortingly at the blushing girl. "You better sing small, Cap'n Ira," said the skipper of the Seamew hoarsely.

"Poor young one," he concluded, "she landed on to me in the rain, soppin' wet, and ha'f sick. I COULDN'T turn her out then nobody could. Course it's an everlastin' outrage on me and the cheekiest thing ever I heard of, but what could I do? I was fixed a good deal like an English feller by the name of Gatenby that I used to know in South America.