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I didn't see him pass any uh the vile liquor to little Jakie, but " he twirled a blackened match stub in his fingers and then tossed it from him. "Aw, gwan! Jakie wouldn't touch nothing when he was in town," Happy Jack objected. "I betche he's gone crazy, or else " "Well," interrupted the horse-wrangler, "I've told yuh what I know and all I know. Take it or leave it."

The captain had to pause and pull it out. "Hurt, Hallowell?" "No, not much. Hi! Yip! Gwan with you!" And "Whack! Whack!" The lieutenant had said: "You do the shooting and I'll do the driving;" and he had not changed his mind about it. But driving was no joke. The captain hustled to rear. The Indians were about to make a third charge. They appeared to be having great sport, chasing this mule-wagon.

Don't keep the audience waiting. Aren't yuh going to earn that hundred dollars?" Happy Jack turned half a shade redder than was natural. "Aw, gwan. I never said I was going to do no broncho-busting ack. But I betche yuh never seen that roan before he was unloaded in Dry Lake." "What'll yuh bet I don't know that hoss from a yearling colt?"

My pony had pulled several morsels of flesh from the mule's carcase. The yang gwan certainly came off best, and the following morning, as the Chinese gwan with his retinue of six chairs and about one hundred and fifty men departed, the yang gwan smiled a happy farewell which was not effusively reciprocated.

Why, darn yuh, if you was in a normal, lying condition, you'd make it ten thousand, at the lowest and I've seen the time when you'd uh said fifty thousand; and you'd uh made us swallow the load, too! Buck up and do a good stunt, Andy, or else keep still. Why, Happy Jack could tell that big a lie!" "Aw, gwan!" Happy Jack rose up to avenge the insult. "Yuh needn't compare me to Andy Green.

Your mother has just about cried herself sick, she's so lonesome without you." The Kid looked at her wide-eyed. "Aw, gwan!" he retorted after a minute, imitating Happy Jack's disbelief of any unpleasant news. "I guess you're jest loadin' me. Daddy Chip is takin' care of her. He wouldn't let her be lonesome." The Kid got the sack open and reached an arm in to the shoulder.

The knot of the cracker must have caught the Indian in an eye, for he lost his bow, clapped both hands to his face and scurried away, howling. "Good shot! Hi! Yip! Betty! Joe! Gwan with you!" The Indians behind were yelling louder. "What's the matter, Cap?" "They're coming again like Sam Hill!" "All right. Guess we'll make it. Hi! Yip!" And "Whack! Whack!" Yes, the Indians were coming.

"We ain't goin' t' give 'em no chanst t' sneak up 'n' skulp us whilst we're watchin' Luck 'n' his dang-fool pow-wowin' out there in the middle." "Aw, gwan! They wouldn't DAST skelp white folks!" There was a wail in the voice of Happy Jack. "They dast if they git the chanst," Applehead retorted fretfully.

"Part of the business, boys," he said. "Think of the picture stuff there is in this storm!" "Why, sure!" Weary responded with exaggerated cheerfulness. "I've been freezing artistically ever since daylight. Darn me for leaving my old sourdough coat at home when I hit for the land of orange blossoms and singing birds and sunshine." "Aw, gwan!

"If you boys could just see how beautiful you looked," Rosemary reproved, starting on her second round with the coffee boiler. "I saw it from behind the camera, and Luck had you sitting so the light was shining on your faces; honestly, you looked beautiful!" "Aw, gwan!" gurgled Happy Jack, reddening uncomfortably. "It's late," Luck broke in, emptying his cup the second time.