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Charlie Reynolds hadn't yet lined up a backer. "We should have planned to outfit one guy completely," Jig Hollins grumbled on a Sunday afternoon at the shop. "Then we could have drawn lots about who gets a chance to use the gear. That we goofed there is your fault, Reynolds. Or your Grandpappy didn't come through, huh?" Charlie met Hollins' sneering gaze for a moment.

"They goofed!" The gravity mine would have reduced almost any life-form which moved into its field to a rather thin smear, but there wasn't even that left of the yellow demon-shape. Something, presumably something it was carrying, had turned it into a small blaze of incandescent energy as the mine flattened it out. Which explained the sound like a cloudburst.

I had expected reactions that ranged from an extremely cold absolute zero to a mild twenty below. Instead I found out that UFO's were being freely and seriously discussed in scientific circles. The majority of the visitors thought that the Air Force had goofed on previous projects and were very happy to find out that the project was being re-established.

Unless his tail goofed, he's still up there, apparently staying on as a guest." "Are you having these other Devagas watched?" "Not individually. Too many of them, and they're scattered all over the place. Mantelish got back. He checked in an hour ago." "You mean he's upstairs in his quarters now?" she asked. "Right.

Mike walked over and tapped Pete Jeffers on the shoulder. "Busy?" Jeffers turned around slowly and grinned. "Hullo, old soul. Naw, I ain't busy. Nothin' outside but stars, and we don't figger on gettin' too close to 'em right off the bat. What's the beef?" "I have," said Mike the Angel succinctly, "goofed." Jeffers' keen eyes swept analytically over Mike the Angel's face. "You want a drink?

It had been thrilling. Everything had gone perfectly; not even Valkanhayn's gang had goofed. Then the screenviews had begun coming in. The brief and hopeless fight in the city. He could still see that silly little field gun, it must have been around seventy or eighty millimeter, on a high-wheeled carriage, drawn by six shaggy, bandy-legged beasts.

Somehow, there was the certainty that Dennis did not make mistakes; that everything would work out. This conviction was jarred a little when he got past the lobby man in the Washington building a feat easily accomplished climbed ten flights of stairs, and found room ten twenty-eight empty. Obviously, Dennis had goofed.

Let them think they goofed with the shuttles and hit you and Chris. Anything you need?" "Guinea pigs," Doc told him sarcastically. It was meant as a joke, though a highly bitter one. Jake nodded and left them. Doc opened the cots as Chris came in, not bothering to unpack the equipment. "Hit the sack, Chris," he told her. She looked at him doubtfully.

Besides didn't you hear the way she carried on about the nursery and that lovely Nana? That must have been a build-up, but Ben goofed his cue to move in on Sco and me for a close. Doesn't Amalgamated handle those nurseries?" Tom Bartlett: "Amalgamated makes almost anything. That's the puzzle. I dunno but it must be something big. He has to hit us with something, doesn't he?"

Over dessert, the boys announced their plans for a square dance. "We uh realize we goofed yesterday on that beach party," Tom said sheepishly. "But we're hoping you'll give us another chance." The girls looked at each other, their eyes twinkling, then burst into giggles. "You're forgiven completely!" Phyl declared. "Then it's a date?" Bud put in. "You bet it's a date, and don't you forget it!"