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"Love sure makes a man sound noble," said Jeffers philosophically. "If you mean that all he wants is to get Leda into the sack, you're prob'ly right. Normal reaction, I'd say. Can't blame Jake for that." "I don't," said Mike. "But that doesn't mean I can't spike his guns." "Course not. Again, a normal reaction." "What about Lew Mellon?" Mike asked. "Lew?" Jeffers raised his eyebrows. "I dunno.

"You and I are the only ones in the dark, then," he said. "The rest of the crew is being picked from Chilblains Base. Pete Jeffers is First Officer, in case you're wondering." "Oh, great," Mike the Angel said with a moan. "That means we'll be going in cold on an untried ship." Like Birnam Wood advancing on Dunsinane, Quill's eyebrows moved upward. "Don't you trust your own designing?"

"I wouldn't call myself over-cautious," Mike persisted, "but I usually think a thing through pretty carefully before I act that is, if I have time. Right?" "I'd say so," Jeffers admitted. "I'd say you were about the only guy I know who does the right thing more than 90 per cent of the time. And says the right thing more than 99 per cent of the time. So what do you want?

But Jakob von Liegnitz is a chromatically variant equine, indeed." Mike shook his head vigorously, as if to clear away the fog. "Pfui! Let's change the subject. My heretofore nimble mind has been coagulated by a pair of innocent blue eyes. I need my skull stirred up." "I have a limerick," said Jeffers lightly.

"It's a little thing I wrote in Delhi," he said simply. "I couldn't send it to Jeffers. It seemed to belong to you. So I thought " He proffered it, feeling absurdly shy of it and of her. "Oh but it is too much!" Holding it with her sling hand, she opened it with the other and devoured it eagerly under his watching eyes.

"What do you intend to do about it?" Jeffers asked. Mike the Angel grinned at him. "What the hell else can I do but woo and win the wench?" Jeffers grinned back at him. "I reckon you know you got competition, huh?" "You mean Jake von Liegnitz?" Mike's face darkened. "I have the feeling he's looking for something that doesn't include a marriage certificate."

I think he likes to talk to her, is all. But if he is interested, he's bloody well serious. He's a strict Anglo-Catholic, like yourself." I'm not as strict as I ought to be, Mike thought. "I thought he had a rather monkish air about him," he said aloud. Jeffers chuckled. "Yeah, but I don't think he's so ascetic that he wouldn't marry." His grin broadened.

A quiet evening bridge game is hardly the place for a riot to start. Pete Jeffers was pounding the pillow in his stateroom; Captain Quill was on the bridge, checking through the log. In the officers' wardroom Mike the Angel was looking down at two hands of cards, wondering whether he'd make his contract.

Just now there is room inside you only for one big thing India." "And you " "But I am India." "Sublimated essence of it, according to Jeffers." "Jeffers says many foolish things!" But she did not disguise her pleasure. "I've noticed occasional flashes of wisdom! But, I say, Motherling, what price tea?" "Tea?" She feigned exaggerated surprise. "I thought you were much too far in the clouds!"

"Or rather, why did you persist in keeping me to the old swords?" Ford laughed. "For one reason, I enjoy the old swords as a relaxation. For another, Mr. Jeffers Hawley, who was once one of the Transcontinental lawyers in Denver, was sitting just behind you, with eager ears. You didn't know that. Hold on a minute; tell your man to stop at the Chemical Bank.