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Sure enough, Jeffers was drinking coffee all by himself in the wardroom. He looked up when Mike came in. "Hullo, Mike," he said listlessly. "Come sit. Have some coffee." There was a faint aroma in the air which indicated that there was more in the cup than just coffee. "No, thanks, Pete. I'll sit this one out. I wanted to talk to you." "Sit. I am drinking a toast to Mister Lew Mellon."

Mike spun to one side to avoid Vaneski's dive and came down with a balled fist aimed at the ensign's neck. He almost hit Lieutenant Keku. The big Hawaiian had leaped to his feet and landed a hard punch on Vaneski's nose. At the same time, Jeffers and von Liegnitz had jumped up and grabbed at Vaneski, who was between them.

"While we were on active service together, I've seen you go through all kinds of things and never look like this. What is it? Reaction from this afternoon's or, pardon me yesterday afternoon's emergency?" Mike glanced up at the chronometer. It was two-thirty in the morning, Greenwich time. Jeffers held the bridge from midnight till noon, while Black Bart had the noon to midnight shift.

Only the bond are free." "Jeffers, you're a Daniel! I'll pinch that pearl of wisdom! But what about democracy Cuthers' pet panacea? Isn't it making for disobedience in act rebellion; and enslavement in thought every man reared on the same catch-words, minted with the same hall-mark?" That roused the much-enduring British Lion in the person of Cuthbert Gordon. "Confound you, Roy!

One night going up we had done a good business in our line, and were just putting up the shutters, when a man stepped up and said "he could turn the right card." My partner, Posey Jeffers, was doing the honors that night, and he said, "I will bet from $1 to $10,000 that no man can pick out the winning ticket." The man pulled out a roll nearly as large as a pillow, and put up $5,000.

There were parcels also a biggish one, from his father; another from Jeffers, obviously a book. And suddenly it dawned on him this must be the tenth of June. Yesterday was his twenty-sixth birthday; and he had never thought of it; never realised the date! But they had thought of it weeks ahead: while he graceless and ungrateful had deemed himself half forgotten.

Then Jeffers began to work him, telling him that I was rich, and that they might as well have some of my money as not. "Just try it once," said the insinuating Jeffers. "Put the money in my hand, and when you win I will hand it back to you." Jeffers next offered to bet again, but I said I wouldn't bet with him, "but I will with my friend here, as his eyes are not so keen as yours."