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The temptation was irresistible. Geake unlocked the skivet, plunged a hand in and banged down a fistful of notes on the table. "Here," said he; "here's five-an'-twenty pound'. You shall have it all if you'll go straight out o' this door an' back to America." Half-an-hour later, William Geake was standing by his garden-gate again. Every now and then he glanced down the road towards St.

I've a cheque I want cashed at Climo and Hodges for a biggish sum: but you'm a man I can trust to bring back the money safe." "Sutt'nly," said Long Oliver. Geake went into the house and wrote a short letter to the bankers. He asked them to send back by messenger, and in return for cheque enclosed, the sum of twenty-five pounds, in five new five-pound notes.

When the end came, Naomi had been doing the work single-handed for close upon twelve months. She could always get a plenty of work, and now took in a deal too much for her strength, to settle the doctor's and undertaker's bills, and buy herself a black gown, cape, and bonnet. The funeral, of course, took place on a Sunday. Geake, on the Saturday afternoon, knocked gently at Naomi's door.

If I sell my own soul for't, yours shall be redeemed!" He slammed down his fist on the rickety deal table, which promptly collapsed flat on the floor, with its four legs splayed under the circular cover. "Bein' a carpenter " Geake began to stammer apologetically, and in a totally different tone. For a second two seconds the issue hung between tears and laughter.

I call 'em islands; but they was just rocks stickin' up from the sea, and birds on 'em in plenty; but otherwise, if you'll excuse the liberty, as bare as the top o' your head." Geake nodded gravely, with set face. "I've heard since," went on the seaman, "that these were bits, so to say, belongin' to the Leeward Islands, about eighty miles sou'west o' St. Kitt's. Our boat must ha' driven past St.

"Dear me," said he, "if I hadn' almost forgot! I've a letter for 'ee, too." "Eh?" "Iss. A kind of a sailor-like lookin' chap came up to me i' the Half Moon yard as I was a takin' out the mare. 'Do you come from Gantick? says he, seein' no doubt Farmer Lear's name 'pon the cart. 'There or thereabouts, says I. 'Know Mister W. Geake? says he.

As he drew near at a trot he eyed Geake curiously, and for a moment seemed inclined to pull up, but thought better of it, and was passing with no more than a nod of the head and "good-day." It was unusual, though, to see Long Oliver driving a horse and trap; and Geake, moreover, had a sudden notion. "Good-mornin'," he answered; "whither bound?" "St. Austell.

'Well, says I. 'Then, if you're passin', I wish you'd give 'en this here letter, says he, an' that's all 'e said." "I wonder who 'twas," said Geake. But his face was white. "Don't know 'en by sight. Said 'e was in a great hurry for to catch the up train. Which puts me i' mind I must be movin' on. Good-night t'ye, neighbour!" As soon as he had turned the corner, Geake opened the letter.

Naomi, indeed, had never sanctioned the innovation, unless by her silence, and her mother assisted only with a very lugubrious "Amen," being too weak to stir from her chair. As the months passed, it became evident to Geake that her strength would never come back. The fever had left her, apparently for good; but the rheumatism remained, and closed slowly upon the heart. The machine was worn out.

"Get up, an' don't make yoursel' a may-game," said Naomi hurriedly, as one or two children stopped their play, and drew around to stare. "Father in heaven," began William Geake, in a voice that fetched the women-folk, all up and down the Chy-pons, to their doors, "Thou, whose property is ever to have mercy, forgive this blaspheming woman!