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Observing one of the funeral party lagging behind the rest, I asked him why he did not keep up. He answered, that "He had had a great big fight with the deceased a short time before he went dead, and he did not think the man had forgiven him." "Poh! poh!" replied I, "the man cannot hurt you now he is dead." "Och, fait!" said he, "I beg your honour's pardon.

J'ai fait mes adieux

It was a pity: I was not he believed, in his soul wholly without good qualities: and would I but hear reason, and be more sedate, more sober, less "en l'air," less "coquette," less taken by show, less prone to set an undue value on outside excellence to make much of the attentions of people remarkable chiefly for so many feet of stature, "des couleurs de poupee," "un nez plus ou moins bien fait," and an enormous amount of fatuity I might yet prove an useful, perhaps an exemplary character.

Were not her words, nearly 500 years later, echoed by Renan when he says, “Après Jésus, c’est Marie de Magdale qui a le plus fait pour la fondation du Christianisme”? L’Epistre au Dieu d’Amours is an extraordinary product of worldly wisdom and common sense, seasoned with satire.

Heureusement constituee sans etre grande, elle n'aurait pas du savoir a les craindre, meme dans un age tres-avance; et elle en a ete atteinte bien avant lage, qui pout les faire craindre. Encore, ne les a-t- elle pas eucs partiellement, elle en a ete spoutanement accablee. Il n'est pas douteux qu'elle ne les ait cherchees. J'en donnerai pour preuve un fait qui est certain.

La religion chretienne veut que nous le croyons ainsi, et la raison naturelle nous persuade entierement cette verite; car si nous considerons la toute puissance de Dieu, nous devons juger que tout ce qu'il a fait a eu des le commencement toute la perfection qu'il devoit avoir.

He came over to her, after a moment, and spoke over her shoulders as he just touched her waist with his fingers. "A la bonne heure Sophie!" "Oh, it isn't it isn't right," she said, her body slightly inclining from him. "One minute out of a whole life What does it matter! Ce ne fait rien! Good-bye-Sophie." Now she inclined towards him.

"The young lady came to London, then, and you renewed your acquaintance?" "Yes, her father brought her over for this last London season. I met her several times, became engaged to her, and have now married her." "She brought, I understand, a considerable dowry?" "A fair dowry. Not more than is usual in my family." "And this, of course, remains to you, since the marriage is a fait accompli?"

contained in the Soit fait comme il est desire, or the more peremptory Le roi le veut. At which point in the order of succession came the royal assent to the union bill, I cannot distinctly recollect. But one thing I do recollect that no audible expression, no buzz, nor murmur, nor susurrus even, testified the feelings which, doubtless, lay rankling in many bosoms.

In his own way, amid these wild spirits, who would have been blown from the guns' mouths to serve him, he had made good the "Coeur vaillant se fait Royaume" of his House. And he was, moreover, by this time, a French soldier at heart and in habit, in almost all things though the English gentleman was not dead in him under the harness of a Chasseur d'Afrique.