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Fust, he prayed a ha'r-liftin' pertition; then, soon's thet wuz ovah, he swung hisse'f out to the aidge o' the platfo'm, stomped his foot, waved his arms, an' hollahed out, 'Ev'rybody whut wants to 'scape the wrath to come, an' to meet me in heaven, clap yer hands an' shout "Glory!" altogethah. Thet fotched us shore 'nough." "Yes," said Mr. Rogers, "I hearn o' thet meetin', but I wuzn't thah.

Bixbee's head, "the feller went an' leaned up agin the wall." "David Harum!" exclaimed Mrs. Bixbee, "that's a downright lie. You never spoke to a soul, an' an' ev'rybody knows 't I ain't more 'n four years older 'n you be." "Wa'al, you see, Polly," her brother replied in a smooth tone of measureless aggravation, "the feller wa'n't acquainted with us, an' he only went by appearances."

Then he sprang to his feet, exclaiming, "I see! It's all come true, what ev'rybody said. Thee thinks thee an' thy folks is better'n me an' my folks, an' keeps all the time a-naggin' on me. I wish I'd merried Mary Allen! I won't stan' no more o' this talk. If I ain't to be maaster o' my own house I won't stay in't."

"But are you sure, my boy, that you ought to talk just like this, about your aunt?" Benny's eyes widened. "Why, that's all right, Mr. Smith. Ev'rybody in town knows Aunt Jane. Why, Ma says folks say she'd save ter-day for ter-morrer, if she could. But she couldn't do that, could she? So that's just silly talk. But you wait till you see Aunt Jane." "All right. I'll wait, Benny."

"I don't see what little boys was made for anyhow; if ev'rybody gets cross with them, an' don't let 'em do what they want to. I'll bet when I get to heaven, the Lord won't be as ugly to me as Mike is, an' some other folks, too. I wish I could die and be buried right away, me an' the goat an' go to heaven, where we wouldn't be scolded." Poor little fellow!

"May I ask in what way?" he inquired, and it was easy to see he was offended. "Why, ev'rybody knows that octopuses are jus' wicked an' deceitful," she said. "Up on the earth, where I live, we call the Stannerd Oil Company an octopus, an' the Coal Trust an octopus, an' " "Stop, stop!" cried the monster in a pleading voice.

"I wonder does any of them galoots forgit how the saloon got a-fire when ev'rybody was asleep how the chief turned out the camp, and after the barkeeper got out the door, how the chief rushed in an' rolled out all three of the barrels, and then went dead-bent fur the river with his clothes all a-blazin'? Whar'd we hev been for a couple of weeks ef it hadn't bin fur them bar'ls?"

Saying which, the old man turned to go, while the court was paralyzed into silence. But Tom Dosser, a new arrival, and a famous shot, now stepped in front of the old man. "I ax yer parding," said Tom, in the blandest of tones, "but, uv course, yer didn't mean me when yer mentioned impudent scoundrels?" "Yes, I did I meant you, and ev'rybody like yer," replied the old man.

If you vant a more polished sort o' feller, vell and good, have him; but vages or no vages, notice or no notice, board or no board, lodgin' or no lodgin', Sam Veller, as you took from the old inn in the Borough, sticks by you, come what may; and let ev'rythin' and ev'rybody do their wery fiercest, nothin' shall ever perwent it!

There was a Baby Tiger lived in a men-ag-er-ie Fizzy-fezzy-fuzzy they wouldn't set him free; And ev'rybody thought that he was gentle as could be Fizzy-fezzy-fuzzy Ba-by Ti-ger! "Oh! They patted him upon his head and shook him by the paw Fizzy-fezzy-fuzzy he had a bone to gnaw; But soon he grew the biggest Tiger that you ever saw Fizzy-fezzy-fuzzy what a Ti-ger! "Oh!