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Lady Aurex brightened at this. "Can I trust you?" she asked. "Ev'rybody trusts Ozma," exclaimed Dorothy. "She is true and honest, and your wicked Queen will be sorry she insulted the powerful Ruler of all the Land of Oz." "The Queen does not know me yet," said Ozma, "but I want you to know me, Lady Aurex, and I want you to tell me why you, and all the Skeezers, are unhappy.

"I told you how it 'ud be, Moose; that pet o' yourn ain't comin' through as good as you thought he would when you was so willin' an' anxious t' bet your hard-earned dust on him. An' I reckon 'Scotty' Allan ain't so pleased with himself fer goin' agin what most ev'rybody said about his usin' that cur fer a leader."

I snum! they buzz around that readin'-room for chances to read the papers like bees around a honey-pot. "An' that ain't all no, sir! 'Most ev'rybody seems ter be discontented that's right! Even folks that git their 'three squares' a day and what they want to wear, ain't satisfied with things as they is, no more. I dunno what we're all comin' to.

"Wal, arter all, I nigh upon forgot my arrant. Here's a letter they giv' me fur Lurindy, at the post-office; ev'rybody else's afeard ter come up here"; and by-and-by she brought it up from under all she'd stowed away there. "Thet jest leaves room," says she. "For what?" says I. "Fur tew or three uv them eggs." I put them into her bag and said, "Now you remember your promise, Aunt Mimy!"

"An' it's good for you, stranger," continued the colonel, "that you ain't been long in camp, else some of the boys 'ud put a hole through you for sayin' anything 'gainst Jim; for we all swear by him, we do. He don't carry shootin'-irons, but no feller in camp dares to tackle him; he don't cuss nobody, but ev'rybody does just as he asks 'em to.

An' so they've been comin' ev'ry day ter tell her how glad she's made THEM, hopin' that'll help some. Ye see, she's always wanted ev'rybody ter play the game with her." "Well, I know somebody who'll play it now," choked Miss Polly, as she turned and sped through the kitchen doorway. Behind her, Nancy stood staring amazedly. "Well, I'll believe anythin' anythin' now," she muttered to herself.

Putty good feller? good citizen? good neighber? lib'ral? kind to his fam'ly? ev'rybody like him? gen'ally pop'lar, an' all that? "'Wa'al, says Smith, wigglin' in his chair an' pullin' out his whiskers three four hairs to a time, 'I guess he come some short of all that. "'E'umph! says Dave, 'I guess he did!

'And it has this wery great advantage, said Sam, 'that the turnkeys takes wery good care to seize hold o' ev'rybody but them as pays 'em, that attempts the willainy, and wen it gets in the papers they're applauded for their wigilance; so it cuts two ways frightens other people from the trade, and elewates their own characters. 'Exactly so, Mr. Weller, observed Job.

"The angel Gabriel hisse'f couldn't mek heads or tails o' whut Hiram means," he said in answer to a question from Abner. "He don't know hisse'f whut he means. He's bittah an' sore ag'in ev'rything an' ev'rybody whut hain't ready to fall on Brothah Stone, an' eat him ha'r an' hide.

I don't see 's he looks so turrable." "Why, Emarine Parmer! Ev'rybody in town says he looks so! I only hope they don't know what ails him!" "What does ail him?" cried out Emarine, fiercely. "What are you hintin' at?" "Well, if you don't know what ails him, you'd ort to; so I'll tell you. He's dyin' by inches ever sence you turned his mother out o' doors." Emarine turned white.