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I secured a pass by way of Cincinnati, in accordance with the request of Levi Coffin and Rev. E. M. Cravath, of the Middle Division. They had secured good homes for two of the children. I took the others home. The secretaries and a few other members of the three divisions met in Oberlin to consider further concerning the asylum that had been so unwisely closed.

Blake had locked himself in with the white-faced Miss Elsie Verriner, alias Chaddy Cravath, alias Charlotte Carruthers, and for three long hours he had pitted his dynamic brute force against her flashing and snake-like evasiveness. He had pounded her with the artillery of his inhumanities. He had beleaguered her with explosive brutishness. He had bulldozed and harried her into frantic weariness.

"My mind misgives me. We shall wish we had not done it. He may turn sulky and unmanageable on our hands when he finds himself trapped." "I'll risk it," said Mr. Cravath, confidently. "If I can't bring him around, Helen Wingate will. I never saw the man, woman, child, or dumb beast yet that could resist her." Mr. Randall sighed. "Poor child!" he said. "Isn't her gayety something wonderful?

Cravath at Fisk, Ware at Atlanta, Armstrong at Hampton, Graves at Morehouse, Tupper at Shaw, and Packard and Giles at Spelman, are names that should ever be recalled with thanksgiving. These people had no enviable task. They were ostracized and persecuted, and some of their co-workers even killed.

"I might ask you the same question, you fellow and Tom Cravath?" retorted Mr. Phipps, holding the two men with a level gaze. "And what's more I think your peculiar doings will bear looking into. There's something mighty queer about this business. I shouldn't be surprised if we found we'd solved a greater mystery than we thought "

"I never saw a more plucky piece of work in my life." Tad came up to where they were, laughing heartily. "Doesn't that beat all, Walt?" "It certainly does." "Our friends who were defeated do not seem to appreciate the humor of it, though," interjected the young engineer. "No, not very sportsmanlike, is it? Who is that fellow with whom Chunky's competitors are talking?" "Name is Cravath.

Cravath appeared, coming to look after their hastily abandoned effects, Old Ben touched his hat civilly, and said: "Good-day, sir; I thought maybe I'd get this job o' guidin' now. Leastways, I'd stay by yer truck here till somebody come to look it up." Old Ben was the guide of all others Mr. Cravath would have chosen, next to Dandy Steve. "By Jove, Ben," he said, "this is luck!

Can you go off with us at once? Steve has got other business on hand. That lady is his wife, from whom he has been separated many years." "So I heerd him say, sir, when he was a-pickin' her up," answered Ben, composedly, as if such things were a daily occurrence in the Adirondacks. "Can you go with us at once?" continued Mr. Cravath. "In an hour, sir," said Ben.

If it had been a half-hour sooner 'twould have been early enough. But it's the last time I'm caught in any such way. What a blamed fool I was not to ask who they were! Never thought of the Cravath set lumbering themselves up with women!" And a very unpromising sternness settled down on Steve's expressive features as he stooped down to readjust some of the smaller packages in the boat.

"Father, father," protested Rose, horrified at her parent's cold-blooded threat. "They haven't done anything. They " "You shut up!" roared the miner. "Get out of here! Get in under the arch there! I'll attend to you later!" The girl hesitated, then crept away sobbing as Cravath made a threatening move toward her.