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E. M. Cravath went to the colored orphan asylum of the city, and made arrangements by paying the board of managers one hundred dollars for their admittance. The letter from Levi Coffin contained the following queries: "What ails Michigan, that she can not care for thirty or forty of these poor little homeless orphans, when we have had a few thousands to look after in this great thoroughfare?

"I know you now. You're Rose Cravath, Tom Cravath's daughter!" cried Phipps, striding forward and grasping the girl by the shoulder. "I demand to know what all this means?" Tad stepped between them, pushing Tom aside. "Remember your promise, Mr. Phipps," he warned. "Yes, but do you realize where we are, boys?" "No, and I don't care." "We're in the Ruby Mountain." "Look!

After asking a few friends to sign an article of agreement to pay one dollar a year during five years for the orphan asylum, and mailing a couple of letters to Levi Coffin and Rev. E. M. Cravath, of Cincinnati, I took from the office a drop-letter from Mr.

"You need not begin to look blue, Steve; and if you back out, or serve us any of your woman-hating tricks, such as I've heard of, I'll never speak to you again, never." "I wouldn't serve you any trick, Mr. Cravath, you know that," replied Steve, proudly; "and I haven't the least idea of backing out. But I am afraid Mrs.

The Pony Rider Boys who had also turned sharply at the interruption, observed that the gun barrel had a telescope attachment. Their eyes following further back, observed something else, too. "Chunky!" gasped the lads in one voice. Cravath made a move to level his weapon at the boy who had interfered with his plans thus unexpectedly. "You stop that, now! I've got six bullets in this gun.

Cravath was counting to make up his party of eight did not appear; and on the second morning after the above conversations Steve received orders to have his boats in readiness at ten o'clock to start with the Cravath party, only six in number. Old Ben was on the wharf as Steve was making his final arrangements.

Eagle-eye, the missing Indian guide, was discovered bound and gagged in a remote chamber in the Ruby Mountain, weak from loss of food. He had caught some of the band stealing the ponies and they had taken him prisoner. It was proved, however, that neither Rose Cravath nor her mother had any knowledge of the transactions of the desperate band.

I was made the subject of prayer also at Pittsford Wesleyan Methodist protracted meeting. A letter came from Rev. E. M. Cravath, of Cincinnati, addressed to me. If our Heavenly Father sees meet to grant our petition, you will receive a reply from her when practicable." The immediate reply was: "You may rest assured our All-wise Father will restore your mother if he has further work for her to do.

Cravath will be disappointed," he added, as he went down the steps, and luckily did not turn his head to see Mr. Cravath's face covered with the laughter he had been restraining during the last few moments. "Caught him, by Jove!" he said, turning to his companion, a tall dark-faced man, "caught him, by Jove, Randall! He never once thought to ask of what sex the other members of the party might be.

One would not think to look at her that she had ever had an hour's sorrow; but my wife tells me that she cannot speak of that husband of hers yet without the most passionate weeping!" "I know it! It's a shame," replied Mr. Cravath, "to see a glorious woman like that throwing her life away on a memory. I did have a hope at one time that she would marry again; but I've given it up.