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"I can't was the signora alone, or did you see some one with her?" "The sick signore? I did not see him. I saw only the signora standing at the window, waving her hand così!" He waved his hand. "Madonna!" Maurice said, mechanically. "What are we to do, signorino?" "Do! What can we do? The train has gone!" "Si, signore. But shall I fetch the donkeys?" Maurice stole a glance at Maddalena.

'Cosi fan tutti; and then you would be doing s-such a lot of good, and so l-little harm! Really, it's n-not worth all the sleepless nights you have been spending over it!" "Please stop laughing a minute," Montanelli interrupted, "and tell me how you heard all this. Who has been talking to you about it?" "H-hasn't the colonel e-e-ever told you I am a d-d-devil not a man? No?

Which operation being over, the mannerly Sienese courteously gave mine host a whole bushel of thanks, saying to him, Io ti ringratio, bel messere; cosi facendo tu m' ai esparmiata la speza d'un servitiale. I'll give you another example of Edward V., King of England.

Vettori: 'Starommi dunque così tra i miei cenci, senza trovare uomo che della mia servitù si ricordi, o che creda che io possa esser buono a nulla. Ma egli è impossibile che io possa star molto così, perchè io mi logoro, etc.

The whole horizon is bounded by the sea-like expanse of the plains, which stretch away into the region of sunshine and fine weather, in one boundless flat. In the distance, the courses of the Teesta and Cosi, the great drainers of the snowy Himalayas, and the recipients of innumerable smaller rills, are with difficulty traced at this, the dry season.

but that the whole country is grown disagreeably hot to him, and the sight of the sun's chariot so near frightens him still; for he certainly lives more to his taste, and sings sweeter I believe on the banks of the Thames, than in Italy, where we have never yet seen but one; and that was kept in a small marble bason of water at the Durazzo palace at Genoa, and seemed miserably out of condition. I enquired why they gave him no companion? and received for answer, "That it would be wholly useless, as they were creatures who never bred out if their own country." But any reply serves any common Italian, who is little disposed to investigate matters; and if you tease him with too much ratiocination, is apt to cry out, "Cosa serve sosistieare cosi? ci far

Quella che fu pur dianzi dalla tema del morire oppressa, Fatta allor di repente A le parole di Mirtillo invitta, Con intrepido cor così rispose: 'Pensi dunque, Mirtillo, Di dar col tuo morire Vita a chi di te vive? O miracolo ingiusto!

She was, however, so far from being ashamed of her profession of courtesan that in one of her poems she affirms she has been taught by Apollo other arts besides those he is usually regarded as teaching: "Cosi dolce e gustevole divento, Quando mi trovo con persona in letto Da cui amata e gradita mi sento."

Morti siam come vedete, Così morti vedrem voi; Fummo gi

Nor is the vanity of Buffon, and Voltaire, and Rousseau purely national; for men of genius in all ages have expressed a consciousness of the internal force of genius. Of two authors of the name of Guido, the one having eclipsed the other, the poet writes: Così ha tolto l'uno all'altro Guido La gloria della lingua; e forse è nato Chi l'uno e l'altro caccer