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Morti siam come vedete, Così morti vedrem voi; Fummo gi

For this is what the young doctor was singing: "Voi che sapete che cosa e l'amor, Donne, vedete s'io l'ho nel cuor!" The sisters listened; Miss Phoebe erect among her pillows, her nightcap tied in a rigid little bow under her chin; Miss Vesta sitting beside her, wistful and anxious, full of tender solicitude for sister, friend, niece, in fact, for all her little world.

Un zinale di sopra fino; Chi mi osserva nel mio tavolino, Gli vien sete, se sete non ha. "Spaccio spirti, siroppi, acquavite Fo 'ranciate di nuova invenzione; Voi vedete quante persone Chiedon acqua, e rispondo, Son qua!"

"L' altra vedete ch'ha fatto alla guancia Della sua palma, sospirando, letto." Purgatorio, vii. When George the Fourth was still reigning over the privacies of Windsor, when the Duke of Wellington was Prime Minister, and Mr. Vincy was mayor of the old corporation in Middlemarch, Mrs. Casaubon, born Dorothea Brooke, had taken her wedding journey to Rome.

Then said Pantagruel, Gossip, I know not if the walls do comprehend the meaning of your words, but none of us here doth so much as understand one syllable of them. Then said my blade again: 'Signor mio, voi vedete per essempio, che la cornamusa non suona mai, s'ella non ha il ventre pieno.

Chiunque nasce a morte arriva Nel fuggir del tempo, e'l sole Niuna cosa lascia viva.... Come voi, uomini fummo, Lieti e tristi, come siete; E or siam, come vedete, Terra al sol, di vita priva. As soon as Wolf was really dead his genius was recognised all over Germany. His sufferings provoked an almost excessive reaction in his favour.