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"I dinna ken what I'm gaein' to du," answered Cosmo. "But for writin' buiks, I could do that better at hame nor ony ither gait, wi' a'thing min'in' me o' my father, an' you nearhan' to gie me coonsel." "I hae aye been yours to comman', Cosmo," replied Aggie, looking down for one moment, then immediately up again in his face. "An' ye're no angert wi' me, Aggie?"

But set Sandy Graham doon upo' ae side, an' the presbytery doon upo' the ither, an' I hae wit eneuch to ken whilk I wad tak my eternal chance wi'. Some o' the presbytery's guid eneuch men, but haena ower muckle gumption; an' some o' them has plenty o' gumption, but haena ower muckle grace, ta jeedge by the w'y 'at they glower an' rair, layin' doon the law as gien the Almichty had been driven to tak coonsel wi' them.

Sometime we'll tak Grizzie intil oor coonsel, an' see hoo mony we can gaither, an' what we can mak o' them whan we lay them a' thegither. Gien the Lord hae't in his min' to keep 's i' this place, yon passage may turn oot a great convanience." "Ye dinna think it wad be worth while openin' 't up direc'ly?" "I wad bide for warmer weather. I think the room's jist some caller now by rizzon o' 't."

But whan I see ye in tribble eh, mony's the time I haud my tongue till my hert's that grit it's jist swallin' in blobs an' blawin' like the parritch whan its dune makin', afore tak it frae the fire! for I hae naething to say, an' naither coonsel nor help intil me. But last nicht, whan I leukit na for't, there cam a thoucht intil my heid, an' seein' it was a stranger, I bad it walcome.

"Muckle siclike 's yersel', my lord!" answered Grizzie; "no that muckle wit but I might hae mair, to guide my steps throuw the wilderness ye wad mak o' no an ill warl'." "Are you aware, woman, that you have made yourself liable to a heavy fine for trespass? This field is mine!" "An' this fitpath's mine, my lord made wi' my ain feet, an' I coonsel ye to stan' aside, an' lat me by."

I hae little doobt the maister'll be the better for't; but gin ye be the waur, it'll be an ill job, Alec, my man." "I hae no ill-will at him, Thomas." "Weel, jist watch yer ain hert, and bewaur ye o' that. I wad coonsel ye to try and please him a grainie mair nor ordinar'. It's no that easy to the carnal man, but ye ken we ought to crucify the auld man, wi' his affections and lusts."

"Come, come, my men! that's going too far," said Malcolm. "Haud to the factor there wi' yer coonsel." "Get out of my way," said Mr Crathie, still speaking through his set teeth, and came straight upon Malcolm. "Home with you! or-r-r" Again he raised his whip, this time plainly with intent. "For God's sake, factor, min' the mere," cried Malcolm.

Phemy laughed superior. 'What ken ye aboot men, Kirsty? There never cam a man near ye, i' the w'y o' makin up til ye! 'I'm no preten'in to ony exparience, returned Kirsty; 'I wad only hae ye tak coonsel wi' common sense.

I doot ye'll get's a' into ower het water; and a body needna tak' the skin aff for the sake o' cleanliness. Having thus persisted in opposing Thomas to a degree he had never dared before, James took his departure, pursued by the words: "Tak ye care, Jeames, that in savin' the richt han' ye dinna send the haill body to hell. It was aye yer danger. I never got bauld coonsel frae ye yet."

I hae but a feow stitches mair to put intil this same sole! The three o' 's maun tak some sarious coonsel thegither anent the upbringin o' this God-sent bairn! I doobtna but he's come wi' a blessin to this hoose! Eh, but it was a mercifu fittin o' things that the puir bairn and Maggie sud that nicht come thegither! Verily, He shall give his angels chairge over thee!