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Updated: August 11, 2024

'Cap'en Cuttle, said Mrs MacStinger, 'if you would wish to heal up past animosities, and to see the last of your friend, my 'usband, as a single person, we should be 'appy of your company to chapel. Here is a lady here, said Mrs MacStinger, turning round to the more intrepid of the two, 'my bridesmaid, that will be glad of your protection, Cap'en Cuttle.

I had just begun to deliberate with myself as to what sort of ship I should seek, and whither I would prefer to voyage for my next trip, when Sam came back from Plymouth one morning brimful of news. "Well, laddie who d'ye think I met to-day?" he called out to me, almost before he was quite inside the house. "I'm sure I can't guess," I replied. "Who?" "Why, Cap'en Billings, my cockbird!"

"Ladies both," he said, looking round at my aunt and Margaret, "here's to your health, and may Will be with you a free man before many months are over. Maybe you haven't heard of the ghost we had on board the old Cornwall, some years before the time I am speaking of? If you haven't, I'll tell you about it. Did you ever have a ghost aboard any ship you sailed in, cap'en? Maybe not.

"Stop, Jerry, stop!" cried my uncle; "have a glass of grog before you go?" "No, thankee, cap'en," answered Jerry. "I must keep a clear head on my shoulders. If I once takes a taste, maybe I shall want another as I pass the Blue Posteses." Uncle Kelson did not press the point, and the old man took his departure.

Softness also, and a melancholy gift of dreaminess and reflection, enlarged and impressed the effect of a gaze and a smile which have conquered history. "Why don't 'ee speak up to 'un, Cap'en Zeb?" cried young Harry Shanks, of the Peggy, the smartest smack next to the Rosalie. "Whoever can 'a be, to make thee so dumb? Doth 'a know our own business afore our own selves?

"You never sees 'em singly, their pirate proas, or junks, allers a sailing with a consort. I ought ter know; 'cause, 'fore I ever jined Cap'en Gillespie, I wer in a Hongkong trader; and many's the time we've been chased by a whole shoal of 'em when going to Singapore or along the coast." "The divil ye have," interposed Tim. "Ye niver tould me that afore, Sails, how's that?"

"Thar she is, with that young imp clasped in her arms, sobbin' her heart out in her cabin; and if you go fur to comfort her, as I did just now, why, she bites your nose off like a crocodile, she dew! She sez we'll all go to the bottom; and that the cap'en and everybody else have runned the ship ashore just to spite her she knows, she sez, it's ben only done fur that!"

"Yes, Cap'en." "You're going to ride a horse." "A wot?" roared Chipmunk. "A thing on four legs, that kicks like hell." "Wotever for? I ain't never ridden no 'osses." "You're going to learn, you unmilitary-looking, worm-eaten scab. You've got to be a ruddy soldier." "Gorblime!" said Chipmunk, "that's the first I 'eard of it. A 'oss soldier? You're not kiddin', are you, Cap'en?" "Certainly not."

You remember her, cap'en, don't you! It was her they writ the song about," and he began singing: "Come all ye jolly sailors bold Whose hearts are cast in honour's mould, While English glory I unfold: Huzza! to the Arethusa; She is a frigate tight and brave As ever stemmed the dashing wave, Her men are staunch to their fav'rite launch.

Why boat no here?" pointing to the davits and the pendant boat-falls. "Sea break all boat," said the Peruvian quickly. And then, seeing the look of disappointment on the man's face, he added, "But never mind. You come below. I have handsome present for you." "All right, cap'en," answered the old man with a pleased smile, as he turned and beckoned to the other natives to follow him.

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